Question on 5k - 10k Races and Phobias (Both serious and fun styles)



  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    A few 5k's, a few 10k's, over a dozen half marathons, and 5 marathons: no vomit. Seen one or two people who didn't make it to the port-o-pot, but that's a different story. Cooler weather during an event probably helps to keep it down.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    _Waffle_ wrote: »

    I have a very serious phobia that does impact a lot of the choices I make and a lot of the places I go. The phobia relates to vomit. I can't see it, hear it, smell it in any capacity including cartoons or movies.

    Don't have babies. I'm just saying. Guaranteed way to see vomit.
    Also avoid blueberry pie eating contests.

  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've seen 2. One was a girl in school doing cross country about 3-5k (it was 15 years ago) and she was 1st until she was sick about 5m before the finish. I felt sorry for her.

    The second was a girl who was near the front of a parkrun (5k) on a very hot day and she was running with her dad who obviously encouraged her to run faster coupled with the surprising heat.

    Both of these were fast runners and I think it is more common near the front, so stick to the back lol. Sorry for not pretending I haven't seen it but I don't think pretending or encouraging you not to do a race will help or is the right thing to do.
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    hermann341 wrote: »
    Seen one or two people who didn't make it to the port-o-pot, but that's a different story.

    Oh dear. That's what I'm worried about for my first half marathon this weekend, but with men rather than other people.

  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    kjarvo wrote: »
    hermann341 wrote: »
    Seen one or two people who didn't make it to the port-o-pot, but that's a different story.

    Oh dear. That's what I'm worried about for my first half marathon this weekend, but with men rather than other people.

    I feel fortunate that I've been very consistent. I hydrate with 1 or 1.5 quarts of water about 60 to 70 minutes before gun time and I'm able to take care of business 15 to 20 minutes before the start.

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    The only time I've seen someone vomit is at high school cross country meets; never at any sort of road race.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've run two or three dozen races (I've lost track) from 5Ks to half marathons and I've never seen someone vomiting. It's not normal for someone to get sick from running unless maybe it's heat exhaustion. I can't imagine that would ever happen in a 5K or 10K, they're just too short. Avoid running in long races when it's really hot and you should be safe.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    I will go against the grain here and say I've seen it happen a couple of times. To be fair, I've seen it as a race organizer or a volunteer at the finish line so I see a lot more finishers than someone just running the race. I will also add that the farther you are from the number 1 finisher, the less likely you are to see it. The only people I have seen get sick were people who were coming in the very first of the race and racing very hard.

    All in all, I'd still say chances are very slim to none.
  • jharris483
    jharris483 Posts: 1 Member
    The only time I've seen someone vomit is at high school cross country meets; never at any sort of road race.

    I agree that this is super common at high school CC meets. I've never seen it in 3 Tough Mudders, 4 marathons and a bunch of shorter races. Then one day, I worked the chute at the end of a high school CC meet and holy cow those kids were spewing like crazy! It's caused by poor planning and pushing yourself too hard.
  • str1ne
    str1ne Posts: 69 Member
    I lost about 50 lbs and took up running. I applaud your effort and understand completely the point you are making here. Most 5ks are run early in the morning, so the chances of seeing a runner throw up is really slim anyway, as they (you will find this out) don't usually eat before the run.
    I have done a couple of half marathons and found the same in this, at my pace most people ran comfortably and finished well. If you join a local running club you would be less likely to see this than from a commercial 5k with unprepared runners.
    As someone said early in the thread, on race day you are so focused on yourself and your prep you really don't notice anyone around you.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 649 Member
    I have run 100's of races. I have never seen anyone vomit at a 5k or 10k.
  • LynGrahamKemp
    LynGrahamKemp Posts: 32 Member
    I've ran 5k's 10k's 15k's as well as half marathons and have NEVER seen vomit, poop and pee is a different story :s