Just took off my polar loop and strapped on a Charge HR

Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member
Hi everyone. I'm new to fitbit, but I'm liking it so far. I just got it yesterday afternoon.
I wore both my loop and fit bit to bed last night and all day up until about 4:00 today when I decided I liked the fitbit better.

If anyone is interested here is my assessment as of 2:00 today.
Loop Charge HR
11582 11074 STEPS
7H 12M 7H 14M SLEEP
4 3.69 MILES

  • Twice I counted out 100 steps, and each time the Charge HR was spot on at 100. However the Loop was under by about 20 steps both times.
  • The Loop counted about 200 steps for brushing my kids' hair.
  • I'm inclined to believe the miles for the CHR over the Loop because I was able to enter my stride for more accurate results (I'm only 4'11" so I liked that feature.)
  • My biggest concern is the amount of calories burned the CHR gave me over the Loop, even though my Loop showed more activities. I'm assuming, (Yes, I know what they say about assuming) it is because the CHR includes Heart rate throughout the day, whereas the Loop only included my HR while I was wearing the chest strap during my run.
  • Also, because I got more calories for floors, and the Loop doesn't do floors so those only counted as steps.

As I said above, I feel like the Fitbit Charge HR is giving me too many calories. At this moment it added about 1,100 exercise calories to my MFP, which I won't eat.


  • kokoamoe
    kokoamoe Posts: 1
    I have been looking at fitness trackers and the charge was one of them. I want one I can swim with but hard to find without paying a really high price
  • Rlnieman
    Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member
    kokoamoe wrote: »
    I have been looking at fitness trackers and the charge was one of them. I want one I can swim with but hard to find without paying a really high price

    You're right, when I was initially looking at activity trackers I couldn't find any that would clock swimming that. However, the Loop is waterproof. You can swim with it and arm movements would count as steps. Some people that had a certain HR chest strap said they would do laps, and then pull the upper half of their body out of the water long enough to capture their heart rate, because the chest strap and loop wouldn't work in the water.
  • Rlnieman
    Rlnieman Posts: 26 Member
    Also - Oops. Sorry, I thought I posted this in the Fitbit group, not the MFP Message Board.