What is your Routine?!

xxashleyxjamiexx Posts: 2 Member
edited March 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi all!

Just wondering what type of circuit routine that you do to tone/gain muscle and lose fat. I currently go to the gym 4x a week and it consists of about 30 minutes of interval training on the elliptical, and sometimes 15 minutes or treadmill or bike. Then most days I will do some sort of resistance/weight training either with dumbbell squats, lunges, different type of crunches, and some freeweight training.

I have about 30 more pounds to lose so I want to tone at the same time. My target areas are my arms and my butt and thighs. I am 5'8" tall and I am a solid 199 pounds. I carry my weight fairly well but I carry it mostly in my legs. I hope to get down to about 165lbs. Also, I eat between 1600-1700 calories a day.

Thanks in advance :):flowerforyou:


  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    I think if you have more weight to lose, stepping up the cardio may help. HIIT is great for burning fat. If you are able to run. Try doing intervals on the treadmill. Walk for one min, run for 2. Try doing 45 min.
    l lift and do cardio 6 days a week. 3 days upper body and three days legs.
  • abarriere
    abarriere Posts: 135 Member
    If you have the money and your gym offers it, it could be helpful to get a trainer to help push you more. I have a trainer who is kicking my butt, in a good way. I train with her twice a week, and she mixes it up on me. Some days are more heaving traditional lifting, other days are supersets, others are more plyo/crossfit like. She has gradually gotten me to this point and it's making a huge difference.

    If not, maybe your gym offers body pump, spinning, or other classes to mix it up a little.

    She has also prescribed cardio workouts for me using heart rate zones. 1 longer endurance workout, 1 hi intensity interval workout, and 2 active recovery workouts. I jog and do the elliptical for these, but am thinking about adding spinning back. On top of that, i walk with my husband and baby to the park on the weekend and just try to remain active.
  • vfit10
    vfit10 Posts: 228 Member
    Doing that bodybuilding type right now ... Mon-back-chest t--- legs w- rest t-shoulders-calves
  • kpw818
    kpw818 Posts: 113 Member
    Monday: Run Speed or Hill work for 30-35 minutes (approx 3-3.5 miles)
    Tuesday: 40 minutes of strength and lifting. I have a set of exercises I do for upper/lower body strength, core, and balance.
    Wednesday: 60 minute run
    Thursday: 30-40 minutes (depending on what's going on) strength. Lighter on legs.
    Friday: 30-40 minute run.
    Saturday: Long Run
    Sunday: Rest

    I strength train for running, and I'm training for spring races right now. After those races, I will probably drop a day of running/cut back on my LR mileage and add another strength day.
  • rgrissman
    rgrissman Posts: 9 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am working out to gain strength, so my routine looks like this. I have lost 25 lbs since April 2014 and have gained a fair amount of strength (5RM deadlift is 315). Now I'm trying to gain weight...

    Workout A: Squats 5x5, Bench Press 5x5, Barbell Rows 5x5, Pullups 5xto failure
    Workout B: Power Clean 5x3, Overhead Press 5x5, Deadlift 1x5, Chin-up 5xto failure

    Alternate Mon Wed Fri ABA BAB ABA, etc.

    Saturday: Swim/cardio
  • Mrsallen6_11
    Mrsallen6_11 Posts: 416 Member
    I alternate strength training and doing cardio every other day and take Sunday as my rest day. So a normal week for me looks like this:

    Mon. - 6:30am: 15min. Calisthenics Workout 5:30pm: 30-45min. Run (alternating between 5mph & 6.5mph)
    Tues. - 6:30am: 15min. Calisthenics Workout 5:30pm: 30-45min. Strength Circuit
    Wed. - 6:30am: 15min. Calisthenics Workout 5:30pm: 45min. Zumba Video
    Thurs. - 6:30am: 15min. Calisthenics Workout 5:30pm: 30-45min. Strength Circuit
    Fri. - 6:30am: 15min. Calisthenics Workout 5:30pm: 30-45min. Run (alternating between 5mph & 6.5mph)
    Sat. - 6:30am: 15min. Calisthenics Workout 5:30pm: 30-45min. Strength Circuit
    Sun. - Rest (maybe some light hiking or gardening, but nothing too strenuous)

    And the next week I'll start Monday with a run for my afternoon workout. Sometimes I mix up my strength training days by doing a 15min. run and then doing a 30min. circuit. And the same on my running days by doing a 15-30min. Calisthenics Routine before jumping on the treadmill. Every now and then I'll add in some Zumba, Yoga, or Pilates on my cardio days too, just to keep everything fresh and different.