Losing weight but not mid section!

natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
edited March 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
im 5'10 and I do a bit of boxing, apparently I'm supposed to weigh less than 180. I was 185 but didn't look like it so I didn't really pay any attention to it, until I started boxing frequently. I've learned with boxing your core is one of the main support system and always have to be in check, my issue is, I've been working out heavy since last year , eating right but I still have that pudge and it's annoyingly frustrating because I box 5 days a week..I was hoping to get a little 4 pack or something but no I have a pudge....


  • mandychowx
    mandychowx Posts: 179 Member
    Unfortunately with weight lost, you cant spot reduce. This means that you cant choose where you lose your fat; it all comes down to your body fat percentage. You can do as much crunches as you like but there's a layer of fat covering it. As your body percentage decrease down to about 18% or lower (varies with different woman), your abs will show themselves :)
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Me too. I know it's coming off, but I couldn't tell from where. Then I turned around and realized how loose the butt of my pants was. Since my waist isn't getting smaller, I can't go down a pant size, so I'm stuck with droopy saggy diaper butt. For now, at least.
  • natalegreen2015
    natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    mandychowx wrote: »
    Unfortunately with weight lost, you cant spot reduce. This means that you cant choose where you lose your fat; it all comes down to your body fat percentage. You can do as much crunches as you like but there's a layer of fat covering it. As your body percentage decrease down to about 18% or lower (varies with different woman), your abs will show themselves :)

    Okay that leads me to another question, is abs the hardest muscle to work on? Or it all depends on your body
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    It's just that place your body likes to store excess fat. For me, it's my waist and my calves. They're the last to go and, not by coincidence, the first place I put on.

    So you're really just going to have to lose your "extra" and over time, you should go down in the midsection too, but your body will lose exactly where it is programmed to, so to speak, not necessarily where you want it to.
  • All down to calorie deficit. Find you BMR, and eat calories at or just above that range, then any exercise you do, you will either utilise fat, or break down muscle, so its important to prioritise proteins and eat regularly. Unfortunately fat has to be overall loss, and you cant pick and choose where you lose it.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    Since my waist isn't getting smaller, I can't go down a pant size, so I'm stuck with droopy saggy diaper butt. For now, at least.

    we shall start a club! LOLOLOL!
  • natalegreen2015
    natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    It's just that place your body likes to store excess fat. For me, it's my waist and my calves. They're the last to go and, not by coincidence, the first place I put on.

    So you're really just going to have to lose your "extra" and over time, you should go down in the midsection too, but your body will lose exactly where it is programmed to, so to speak, not necessarily where you want it to.

    Makes sense.
  • natalegreen2015
    natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    All down to calorie deficit. Find you BMR, and eat calories at or just above that range, then any exercise you do, you will either utilise fat, or break down muscle, so its important to prioritise proteins and eat regularly. Unfortunately fat has to be overall loss, and you cant pick and choose where you lose it.

    Okay so it also has to do with what I intake as well in order for fat to reduce?
  • mandychowx
    mandychowx Posts: 179 Member
    To be honest, I don't train abs myself. We use abs in almost every exercise we do. Squats, dead lifts and as you said in your question; core is utilized a lot in boxing. If you're training hard and have good technique, your core should be strengthening in every exercise you do :)
  • mandychowx
    mandychowx Posts: 179 Member
    So no I would say abs isnt the hardest exercise to work on- simply because we actually use it a lot without trying.
  • natalegreen2015
    natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    Me too. I know it's coming off, but I couldn't tell from where. Then I turned around and realized how loose the butt of my pants was. Since my waist isn't getting smaller, I can't go down a pant size, so I'm stuck with droopy saggy diaper butt. For now, at least.

    Omg I know the feeling. Because I'm tall Its hard because my thighs are huge and then my waist is small yet my *kitten* is flat so it looks like a have droopy *kitten* or droopy close etc
  • natalegreen2015
    natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    mandychowx wrote: »
    So no I would say abs isnt the hardest exercise to work on- simply because we actually use it a lot without trying.

    Ahh you're right. Makes sense
  • mandychowx
    mandychowx Posts: 179 Member
    Keep training hard, you sound like you're doing really well :) Now its all down to losing those stubborn fat! x
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    how do you gain weight? because (in most cases, or at least mine and others ive seen LOL) how you gain it, is how youll lose it. my bottom half is a CONSTANT problem. always HAS been. Classic freaking pear shape. Not a thing I can do about THAT! but, i have photos as evidence, I HAVE BEEN slimmer there. The most recent place i gained weight was in my upper body (like i said, i tend to carry it on my lower body)- and the waist UP is where all 30 of the pounds I have lost, have come off. IT took time to gain it all, it will take time to lose it all :/ frustrating for sure, but patience is the name of the game. Make sure you are weighing and logging ALL your food and keep working out... eventually you will get your abs and I will stop looking like a hippo butt! :P
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    You have to keep working out and eat at a deficit. You cant just focus on losing one area.
  • natalegreen2015
    natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    mandychowx wrote: »
    Keep training hard, you sound like you're doing really well :) Now its all down to losing those stubborn fat! x

    Haha stubborn is definitely the name for it. Thank you!
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    My belly is the last to go too. My now thinner thighs are amusing to me because gee, never have had an issue there before. My shoulders are smaller too. WTF? C'mon tummy, time for you to scat!
  • natalegreen2015
    natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    how do you gain weight? because (in most cases, or at least mine and others ive seen LOL) how you gain it, is how youll lose it. my bottom half is a CONSTANT problem. always HAS been. Classic freaking pear shape. Not a thing I can do about THAT! but, i have photos as evidence, I HAVE BEEN slimmer there. The most recent place i gained weight was in my upper body (like i said, i tend to carry it on my lower body)- and the waist UP is where all 30 of the pounds I have lost, have come off. IT took time to gain it all, it will take time to lose it all :/ frustrating for sure, but patience is the name of the game. Make sure you are weighing and logging ALL your food and keep working out... eventually you will get your abs and I will stop looking like a hippo butt! :P

    Hahahha definitely thanks for the confidence booster!
  • natalegreen2015
    natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    hhnkhl wrote: »
    You have to keep working out and eat at a deficit. You cant just focus on losing one area.

    Lol I work out all part of my body. Like o said I do boxing regular and kick boxing so I do have to use every part of my body. One part is just harder to loose and I thought I was doing something wrong
  • natalegreen2015
    natalegreen2015 Posts: 33 Member
    GingerSka wrote: »
    My belly is the last to go too. My now thinner thighs are amusing to me because gee, never have had an issue there before. My shoulders are smaller too. WTF? C'mon tummy, time for you to scat!

    Hahaha, I think it's a common female thing I swear