Debating if I should join a gym or not...

LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm only just beginning getting myself on a regular diet and excercise routine. I have a treadmill and some light dumbbells that I have been using at home. I'm eventually going to join a gym but not sure if I'm ready. I always have been into lifting weights and doing cardio as needed. Now, I'm more into needing to do cardio and will lift to try to eventually get some definition. I'm a little hesitant to join the gym at this point because I don't feel that my fitness level is where it should be and might be better off waiting a few weeks. I guess either way it doesn't matter as long as I am moving....


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    you cant get definition with a layer of fat. that is what definition is. and all the lifting in the world wont give you that with fat covering up all the muscles. and there is NO preset fitness level to join a gym..thats why people join get fit. or stay fit.

    if you are afraid of what others may view you as, dont. who are going there to improve yourself. trust me, i use the YMCA. and go to any Y and you'll see a mix of very fit and very unfit. no one judges least at mine they dont. even if they did..who cares..
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere. And the truth is that yeah cardio will burn calories while you are doing it, but that will be it. If you are in there building muscle, you will burn calories even when you aren't doing anything! Muscle burns more calories in the long run. I definitely think you should join!!! Once you get into a good lifting program ( not just working out chest and biceps, but all parts of your body) you will get such awesome results and look and feel awesome, so I say GO FOR IT! and good luck :)
  • Lost_it
    Lost_it Posts: 290 Member
    Only join the gym if you are comfortable about going, you don't want to spend alot of money on something you may not use & get your moneys worth out of it. Some gyms will give you a week free to try it out, that might be the best way to find out if you are ready to join now. Just keep up with what you are doing right now & good luck
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    Waiting to join the gym till you're fitter is like cleaning the house before the cleaning lady gets there. I joined the gym when I weighed 300 lbs. I was extremely self conscious and had panic attacks for a month before I finally went. And am I ever glad I did. Working out in a gym is inspiring, the treadmills are much better than anything you can get at home, you can do a variety of exercises by using the eliptical and bike as well. here's a little secret, all those people at the gym? they didnt start out the way they are now. also, they're too busy looking at themselves to pay you any attention. you'll find advice and inspiration at the gym that you won't find at home. It won't be easy, but nothing good ever is.
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    Go for it!! I know that is easier said than done! I put off joining the gym b/c I was scared about what people would think about me but now I really dont care! Do it for yourself. And if you feel others are judging you then use them for motivation (or laughs) :bigsmile: Good luck with your goals!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I think you should go for it and join! When I see people who have a good amount of weight to lose, I am proud of them for making the effort and wish them well. I am so much more motivated at the gym than working out at home. Seeing all those people working out hard gets me motivated
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I would start lifting right away. Don't lose any muscle you already have unnecessarily by focusing on cardio only (or by eating too little). And why not try to build more. The more muscle the better!! Who cares if you can't see it yet. It will be working for you - helping you lose the fat.

    And who cares what people think - you're there for you, not them! Good luck!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Honestly, I was running and trying on my own for 8 months before I joined the gym..... wish I would have done it sooner!!! It totally boosted my fitness into a new level! Since joining I've lost more weight and have toned up so much. My only real advice is, make sure you'll use it! Pick one that has the stuff you need (classes, trainers, etc) and the hours available that you will use it!!! I only had one option in town before mine opened and they were closed a lot of the time I would have used it, which is why I waited so long! The week mine opened, I joined... it's open 24/7!!!!! That's the only way I can make it work, and it's 1.4 miles from my house, so I can easily walk/run/bike there (and do when the weather permits). If it's something you will use, then DO IT!!!! You'll see results faster and build that muscle that will burn the fat!!!!
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    Light weights aren't bad. In fact I had a woman trainer who was trying to kill me with those things. No, not thumping my head. It felt like though.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I remember a guy who joined my gym and he was over 400 lbs. I had finished losing my weight and I used to notice him sitting on the bench so I went up and started talking to him. He told me that he saw how much weight I had lost and wondered if he could work out with me so I said sure. So we started working out together and I taught him how to box and spotted him and helped him get down a good cardio routine and he's now lost 143 lbs. He needed some motivation and didn't really know what he was doing and he looks forward to coming in and we both have a workout partner now. I've watched him go from being an introvert, closed off person, to talking to other people, asking questions, and really having a positive experience there and not one person judged him.
  • safran01
    safran01 Posts: 6 Member
    I don't know if there's a Gold's Gym near you, but that's where I would suggest joining if you do. You can join for only $10 a month and you don't have to sign a contract. That way if you don't like it, you can stop.

    I personally stuggle with finding time to go to the gym. I like to find things that I can do at home. I had a personal trainer for a year and lost no weight becuase I was not motivated to do anything about my weight loss. I went to the gym just for my training session, but did nothing else. So, I guess what I'm trying to say, is that if you're not willing to put in the time and effort, it doesn't matter how much money you spend.

    I did hear a lot of people say something about how important strength training is. That's the one thing my trainer told me time and time again. That's the hardest part for me because I struggle to push myself. That's one good thing about the gym, is that you can find someone to help you and push you.

    I think I did a lot of rambling...I'm thinking out loud:)

  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    Ok - you guys talked me into it. I'm going to the gym tomorrow! No more procrastinating - I promise! I think I'm more embarassed about the amount of weight that I can't lift anymore than of my appearance or anything like that, though I have to admit that it does enter my mind. I used to be pretty big into weight lifting and could throw around a few pounds. I'm used to be being one of the stronger guys at the gym, now I'll just be the big fella that isn't very strong. Oh well, can't let that hold me back. And who knows maybe I'll really get the lifting bug back and start pushing some heavy stuff around again.

    Thanks for all your advice and encouragement. Now I just have to decide which gym to join. There are 3 nearby, I'll probably try all 3 with a free day/week pass and then decide. Tomorrow night I will be checking out LA Fitness. Do it!
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