Unexpected results of weight loss



  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    edited March 2015
    Beanogirl wrote: »
    My bottom hurts when I sit on a hard seat. I can live with it though! :)
    This one and wedding ring needs to be re-sized and the favorite one for men with less fat around the genitals usually means a longer usable penis, my wife enjoys this side effect also.
    One more I get cold much quicker especially my hands.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    jeffd247 wrote: »
    I never really understood what people meant about feeling "more energetic" as a result to losing weight and living healthier. I always thought that meant more "peppy and annoying".

    I was surprised to find out that I'm just "busier". I don't like sitting around all the time. In part it's due to the fact that when I sit around and get bored, I usually start eating. These days I feel like need something to do. I used to stay up until 1-2:00AM just watching TV. Now I just go to bed around 11PM.

    I'm also way more involved with my family and my kids. I'm more likely to say "yes" to the question "hey you want to go do X today?", and that feels great.

    I always thought I got fat because I was lazy and unmotivated. That might have been the original culprit, but really I think that I got more lazy and unmotivated because I was so fat.

    Don;t get me wrong, I still loves me some sleeping on the couch while watching Shawshank Redemption... but I'm way more peppy and annoying than I used to be.

    Love this post! It's worded so well. Congratulations on your success!
  • shellygRN
    shellygRN Posts: 1 Member
    Oh and tending the lady bits no longer involves really awkward positioning and fat shifting. That's pretty amazing.

    HA! This is hilarious and so true :blush:

  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    10 lbs lost - can finish a scout meeting without sweating through my shirt
    20 lbs lost - can chase/play with my kids without getting short of breath
    30 lbs lost - can finish a 5k with a respectable time
    40 lbs lost - completed a 1/2 marathon without walking

    Donate blood and feel little to no impact on my next workout
    Stopped snoring
    Have more energy
    Think more clearly
    No sick days
    GERD symptoms gone
    Back pain gone

    That's awesome! My GERD symptoms improved but never completely went away, I'm jealous!
  • Tannst74
    Tannst74 Posts: 6 Member
    techreyes wrote: »
    For me, I'm noticing a change of lifestyle in a fiscal context -- Just be working with what I eat and when, I've noticed that my wallet is gaining weight!

    Fewer meals out, more reasonable meals out, far fewer junk snacks, etc. all have had a happy impact on my discretionary funds. Kinda a nice little "Non-Scale Victory" :)

    Fat wallet syndrome is definitely going on in our house. I was out of control in the eating out department.

  • Tannst74
    Tannst74 Posts: 6 Member
    Found many bones after 93 pounds lost. I can walk a much faster speed. My coworkers say I no longer huff and puff. I definitely noticed the impact on my wallet as I eat less now.
  • kirstinlee
    kirstinlee Posts: 152 Member
    Ooci wrote: »
    Oh so many, what a lovely idea for a thread!
    • No more surgery for endometriosis ( I hope! Last scan showed a reduction in my left endometrioma to way below the size at which they cut them out - good news as this disease has seen me in terrible pain and having major ops!

        Basically my body and mind could not deal with being 4 st overweight and went into mental and physical meltdown!! It's beyond fabulous to be freed of that!

      I know I'm really late to your post, but I'm hoping you're still around. Do you have any articles or anything about endo being linked to weight loss? I've been in horrible pain from it, and the more I think about it, it's gotten worse with weight gain. I would like to put a shortcut to them on my laptop and phone for extra motivation when I'm not feeling into it. :)
    • annekka
      annekka Posts: 517 Member
      kirstinlee wrote: »
      Ooci wrote: »
      Oh so many, what a lovely idea for a thread!
      • No more surgery for endometriosis ( I hope! Last scan showed a reduction in my left endometrioma to way below the size at which they cut them out - good news as this disease has seen me in terrible pain and having major ops!

          Basically my body and mind could not deal with being 4 st overweight and went into mental and physical meltdown!! It's beyond fabulous to be freed of that!

        I know I'm really late to your post, but I'm hoping you're still around. Do you have any articles or anything about endo being linked to weight loss? I've been in horrible pain from it, and the more I think about it, it's gotten worse with weight gain. I would like to put a shortcut to them on my laptop and phone for extra motivation when I'm not feeling into it. :)

        I have endo and while I have no cysts or anything at the moment, I've been having all sorts of various problems since I've lost the weight...I do hope for you that losing weight helps to clear your endo. Me? I continue to have problems. Though perhaps not the same ones as before.
      • Alidecker
        Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
        As I was getting dressed today I realized another change since my weight loss. I love wearing dresses. I absolutely hated wearing them before. I would wear a skirt occasionally, but never a dress. Now my closet has many dresses and I actually feel good in them!
      • ar9179
        ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
        kirstinlee wrote: »
        I know I'm really late to your post, but I'm hoping you're still around. Do you have any articles or anything about endo being linked to weight loss? I've been in horrible pain from it, and the more I think about it, it's gotten worse with weight gain. I would like to put a shortcut to them on my laptop and phone for extra motivation when I'm not feeling into it. :)

        I have endo and symptoms have reduced, recently, as I've lost weight. I don't know about any study specifically about losing weight and it's effect on endo, but there are a few studies out there that look at dietary trends. Unfortunately, there aren't any hard and fast recommendations. Endo is still a mystery to science.

        I eat a high fat diet including alpha-linolenic acid & omega 3, which are thought to help with inflammatory diseases. My symptoms have diminished in the 3 months I've been eating this way. I stay away from trans fat. Here is an article about one study.

      • IAmTheGlue
        IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
        edited March 2015
        My left hip and feet used to hurt all the time. 20 pounds down and my hip and feet don't hurt anymore! I am wearing a pair of Nike tennis shoes that I was ready to give away because they hurt my feet so bad. Yeah... it wasn't the shoes hurting my feet, it was my rear end! Lol

        I have another 100+ pounds to lose and I can't wait to see how much better I feel because I feel freaking awesome now. :)
      • crazyjerseygirl
        crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
        I just hit 5weeks today, 17-odd pounds down. What I've noticed:

        I no longer "leak", I don't even know what muscle is working out to make that happen!

        I no longer have to adjust "the girls" throughout the day. They just stay put!

        I'm living this thread! It's getting favorited!
      • crazyjerseygirl
        crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
        Apart from all the obvious benefits, I'd like to add health & wellbeing. My mental health status has improved dramatically due to exercise. I am a type 2 diabetic and was on 2000mg per day of metformin. I am now on 1000mg per day and I go to see my endocrinologist next month and I am so hoping to come off that last dose and manage it by diet and exercise.

        I believe you gain or regain your confidence and self-esteem. You become a much stronger person for it :)

        This! I forgot to add (Ha!) one other unexpected result. Exercise really helps me focus. I was diagnosed with stark raving ADD after my first kid (apparently having a screaming newborn puts stress on coping methods). I never figured I had it, just thought I was absent minded.

        I took meds for awhile but I didn't like them, too "stringent". So I went off after my kid started talking. 5 weeks in and wow I can focus! It doesn't feel artificial like the meds, just a better me. Plus I can hyper focus again! It's been awhile!
      • wick3tgirl
        wick3tgirl Posts: 47 Member
        my wrists are skinny again. didn't know they weren't at my highest weight. just checked my before pic yesterday and the amount of fat on my forearms was ... well, ew. my face is also slimmer. I didn't expect to notice fat reduction in so many non conventional places. of course my problem area - stomach - is the last place were the fat is going down. but I knew that would happen.
        also: tried on my "goal" short shorts again & I'm not a sausage in them any more! a couple more kgs & I'll be able to wear them with pride! oh, that last one - pride over my once again found figure? yeah, it's still not happening. has anybody discovered how much time does it take to fully realize you are hot again? and yes, I choose the word "hot" as in feeling fit, healthy and powerful B)
      • kristenlarkin
        kristenlarkin Posts: 235 Member
        ajfuelling wrote: »
        So many of these are familiar to me. The one that is sticking out in my brain is that the pockets in size 14 pants are way smaller than those in size 24 pants. I used to be able to carry my whole purse in my pockets... now my phone hardly fits!

        I didn't even realize that the pockets were smaller due to size. I miss my size 22 pockets! Size 11 pockets suck! I thought the pockets were smaller because the jeans I have are a different brand. I guess it is time to start carring a purse around.
      • mausbop
        mausbop Posts: 554 Member
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