Just Wanna Get Healthy

Am almost 27 its just time to get healthy and be happy with my self for once


  • tattooedmommy88
    Girl, i'm in the same boat! Ready to be happy myself :D
  • kelli_khaotic
    kelli_khaotic Posts: 15 Member
    Right i been chubby for past 7 years am so tired of being outta breath when i play outside with my boys lol
  • Aaron949
    Aaron949 Posts: 86 Member
    Glad you are here and ready to do this!
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    great reason to get healthy. do it for yourself, not a wedding date, or high school reunion.
  • nrogersfitandfab
    nrogersfitandfab Posts: 17 Member
    welcome to MFP! You can do this!! we are all here for same reason. I would recommend choosing a new MFP username, every day you log in you have to see your name and think about cupcakes and try not to eat one!
  • kelli_khaotic
    kelli_khaotic Posts: 15 Member
    I actually habe been trying to do that and am not to sure how lol
    My bf made up the user name when i first tried this now am stuck with it