Using Fitbit vs Manually Logging Exercise.

I am wondering about Using Fitbit vs. Manually Logging Exercise.
Fitbit shows MUCH less in calories spent than the exercises I log manually.
However Fitbit allows many more calories than does MyFitnessPal.


  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Presumably, you're not being as active as the average guy they measured when they figured out how many calories each activity burns. As for calorie allowance, you can set it at different levels, but if you allow yourself to have too many, you won't lose weight.
  • breezy0906
    breezy0906 Posts: 164 Member
    Does fit bit take into account your weight? I know the bigger you are the more calories you burn when doing physical activity. If it just goes off of averages then the info you are could be flawed
  • aprilh576
    aprilh576 Posts: 50 Member
    I use fitbit for exercise
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    I use fit bit for exercise. I find it more accurate etc

    The only exercise I record in my fitness pal is kick boxing cause I can't wear the fit bit then.

    I wish I could so I could get a better idea of what I burn doing a mix of skipping, push up sit ups punching kicking burpees etc for 80 mins.
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,836 MFP Moderator
    I find MFP tends to over-estimate by a lot, and FitBit by a little. I use a combination of both. First, be sure your FitBit settings are correct for your height, weight, and stride length. Otherwise your numbers are probably going to be off. Then what I do is manually log only half of what FitBit says I burn. I'd rather underestimate than overestimate. Also note if you're logging your exercise this way I think you're supposed to set your activity level here to sedentary - otherwise you're double-counting everything. HTH
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    I use my fitbit exclusively. The only manual recordings I have are swimming. I've found it to be accurate in that the CICO equation is producing the weight loss as predicted. I think its a little under when I do something like Zumba, but as I only do that once per week and the deficit is in my favor, I don't sweat it.
  • KrisAZ000
    KrisAZ000 Posts: 76 Member
    I use my Fitbit exclusively. I have the Surge, so I figure it's pretty accurate since it monitors my heart rate. Just in case it overestimates a little though, I upped my weight loss goal from half a pound a week to a pound a week. That way even if it's a bit off, I should still at least lose the half pound.