The H family fitness challenge



  • Thursday I did my regular Curves routine, Today ( Saturday) I did a 30 minute Zumba/Curves routine, plus a 25 minute slow paced walk.
  • Didn't get as much exercise in this week because I was struggling with a cold and didn't feel like doing much. I only was able to get to Curves on Wednesday for my weigh in and workout, and today for a curves workout followed by Zumba/ Curves workout. Hope to pick up the pace next week.
  • Well! It's been a while, but I thought I'd better 'check in'. I've been getting back at it after a LONG hiatus! I suffered a bout of rotovirus in February, which really knocked me on my *kitten*! Needless to say, the last thing I felt like doing was it's GREAT to be back!! Not to mention, Jamie and I are off to Mexico next month which gives me even more incentive!!

    The past 3 days, I've done 30 minutes of high impact treadmill workout. Plus, if you want to count the numerous walks I've been on with the kids the past week, there is at least another 2 or 3 points for those alone!

    I've been incorporating quinoa into my diet, and tonight I made the most DELICIOUS quinoa recipe!! It had tons of veggies, garlic, chicken broth. SO TASTY!! EMail me if you'd like the recipe!

    Hope everyone is well! In case I don't get a chance to log on in the next few days..HAPPY EASTER!!
  • Here is my workout routine for the week of April 17 to 23 - Outside activity with Zaza for 60 + minutes (1 point), this was on the 17th. On the 18th my regular Curves routine, + outside activity for 30 minutes ( 2 points ). My weigh in day @ curves ( first time I have been below 160 pounds for 30 years), did my regular Curves workout (1 point )-April 20. On April 21 Another Curves workout for 1 point. April 22 I went for a walk for 45 minutes ( 1 point ), Took Yoda for 2 -20 minute walks ( 2 points ), also yard work such as raking for 1 hour ( 1 point ). As you can see I've had a very active week.
  • OUTSTANDING MOM. Your lowest weight in 30 years?? That is wonderful. i am so happy for you!! Way to stick with it, you are a model for us all!
  • On Monday I did 3 hours of yard work ( raking and hauling leaves ), yesterday my regular Curves workout ( 550 calories ). Today is weigh in day.
  • On Wednesday I did my regular curves workout, also regular Curves workout on Thursday. Today I did my Zumba/ Curves followed by my regular Curves routine. Later in the day I did some yardwork( raking and hauling leaves) for 60 minutes.
  • matriarch65
    matriarch65 Posts: 48
    On monday I did my regular Curves workout for 35 minutes,Also did yard work ( bending and raking) for 1 hour. On Tuesday I went for a 30 minute walk. Wednesday I did my curves workout, today I did Curves again as well as wash windows and more raking in the afternoon.
  • matriarch65
    matriarch65 Posts: 48
    Friday and Saturday I went for long walks around Manitou Beach, up and down some pretty steep hills. Good cardio. 1 point for each day.
  • matriarch65
    matriarch65 Posts: 48
    My week thus far- 1 point on sunday for a 45 minute walk around Wascana creek, 1 point on Monday for another 30 minute walk, 1 point for my curves workout on Tuesday, 1 point for Curves workout and 1 point for yard work( raking, bending, lifting) on Wednesday. Today I went for a 20 minute walk in the nasty cold wind-1 point
  • matriarch65
    matriarch65 Posts: 48
    Friday-curves workout ( 1 point) plus yard work (1 point). Today i did my Zumba/ curves workout, followed by my regular Curves workout ( 2 points). I know i didn't win but that wasn't the idea anyway.
  • goridersgo
    goridersgo Posts: 36
    mom, you may not have won the Fitness Challenge in terms of total points, but you are still a WINNER. you probably were the clear cut winner in terms of total calories burned. Your motivation and commitment is partly what spurred Aleks and I to create the fitness challenge in the first place.
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