What should i do now - Stop tracking?

Hi Guys, looking for some support here...I am currently 157cm 46 kg. My family doctor wants me to put on weight 0.5kg / week! Preferably all the way up to 52kg. Is it too much? =X She said i am about to go into anorexia and my perception of eating portion sizes maybe distorted. This week I've been feeling: Light headed, muscle aches and generally no energy.

As some of you might know, i just came off 30kg weight loss, and the thought of putting on weight again is scary... Can someone please enlighten me? I am spiraling downwards and its affecting my energy level. I've stopped gyming this week due to my energy level and dizziness.

I am not even sure if tracking calories and macros is appropriate now.


  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    Light headedness/dizziness can truly be a sign of not getting enough to eat. While you may fall in the standardized weight limits of a person your height there are many factors that have to be taken into account before determining what is the right weight for you. I would say log your food. Make sure you are getting at least the minimal nutrition levels in each day
  • Cunningstuff
    I am fat, not thin. I just want to say, its tough on either side of this boat. Be sure you follow what your doctor says, until you get rid of side effects. I am too fat and I deal with constant cramps, inflexibility, and other health issues. Do your best to become stronger than the last day. I once could not walk around one city block, now I can walk 3km under a constant pace. Its not much, but its huge to me. Take care of yourself and watch out that your brain does not undermine your body.
  • ActuarialChef
    ActuarialChef Posts: 1,413 Member
    Hi Guys, looking for some support here...I am currently 157cm 46 kg. My family doctor wants me to put on weight 0.5kg / week! Preferably all the way up to 52kg. Is it too much? =X She said i am about to go into anorexia and my perception of eating portion sizes maybe distorted. This week I've been feeling: Light headed, muscle aches and generally no energy.

    As some of you might know, i just came off 30kg weight loss, and the thought of putting on weight again is scary... Can someone please enlighten me? I am spiraling downwards and its affecting my energy level. I've stopped gyming this week due to my energy level and dizziness.

    I am not even sure if tracking calories and macros is appropriate now.

    If that is your doctor's recommendation, follow it and do not substitute the advice of people in an online forum. Anorexia is a serious issue and your weight gain should be closely monitored by your physician or an eating disorder specialist.

    I would continue to track at least calories if I were you (as long as it won't trigger you to restrict your calories or be harmful in any other way), but maybe ignore your macros for a while and just focus on hitting your higher calorie target -- how else are you going to know if you're eating enough calories to put on the weight your doctor recommends?

    I believe MFP has a "gain weight" setting. You should be able to set it for a .5kg/week weight gain.
  • tonybalony01
    tonybalony01 Posts: 613 Member
    First off, congrats on the weight loss! That's a huge accomplishment. Unfortunately, it sounds like your brain never never shut off that weight loss switch. It will take some work to "reprogram" your brain into gaining some weight and maintaining it. Follow the doctor's orders and eat what you need to. One option may be to see if they can recommend a nutritionist for you to help you out and get that portion size distortion sorted out.
    I know you can get this worked out. You already did something right by losing a lot of weight. Now you just have to make some adjustments to get back to what's healthy for you.
    Good luck!
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I personally would keep tracking (as a matter of fact I will always track) as this will keeps you accountable for the foods you consume and assure that you are not under eating or at least eating within what you should be consuming every day.

    People use MFP in order to track weight gain as well. Having doctors recommendations, support and advice is absolutely the right the do.

    MFP is a tool and can be used to your advantage if you choose to use it, log accurately and more important be honest with what your are logging.

    Again this is a tool and seeking advice in on line forum is not the best medicine, your doctors provide that for you.
  • Shouliveshappy
    Shouliveshappy Posts: 161 Member
    Hi guys! Thanks for all the support. The forum is amazing... I've decided to take a break from calories counting.its my only way to rekindle my relationship with food and get back some human instincts to eat when required.

    This may be an unpopular decision, but it's the only way for me that I can actually feel that I truly break free from restrictions. This is not a good idea to run 'freely' but I think my body and most importantly my mind needs it. To recognise that my body is in a bad shape is the first step, and now the next step is to really take action in helping myself. No one can help me, but me. Eating should be intuitive, enjoyable and to know what's moderation. Eat hard? Trainer harder... Thats what I'm going to stand by.

    Goodbye for now, I hope I can share my success story once this blows over. I need to know that I can live a life, not by numbers, but by my mind body and soul.