ways to target mid section

Im looking for ways to lose weight around my waist... (certain foods or excerises) i find thats the hardest part to lose. any adivce or tips thanks :happy:


  • hairspray74
    hairspray74 Posts: 93
    I will do zumba before I will do crunches it's a great ab workout! anytime you walk, jog, or whatever exercise you do hold in your stomach!
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member
    Cardio, in particular kickboxing, boxing, some ab work outs and a diet within your suggested range (high protein & complex carbs though). Be conscious throughout the day to contract your abs, say sitting at the office desk. It works!

    P.S. Complex carbs - e.g. German Vollkornbrot/Mueslibread (Wholefoods) - helped my skin elasticity, so I got my 6-pack back 2 months after I gave birth to my daughter.
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I did an obscene amount of cardio (elliptical and powerwalking uphill on the treadmill) which reduced my overall fat and then when I had about a quarter of my target left to lose I focussed more on toning so lots of crunches, reverse crunches, bicycle crunches and planks. I'm also doing jillian michaels 6 week 6 pack DVD. I'm four weeks in and highly recommend it!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member

    But there is no way to target fat reduction (Believe me, I wish there was!). Your body will do it's thing and you really can't spot reduce. You can, of course, concentrate some of your workout to tone/build muscle in a focused area.
  • Abigailblue39
    Abigailblue39 Posts: 212 Member

    But there is no way to target fat reduction (Believe me, I wish there was!).

    Right, body fat needs to be low (in that area or overall) first and foremost, which would be achieved by way of proper nutrition and cardio.