can't stop peeing!



  • kylee_elyse
    kylee_elyse Posts: 23 Member
    AlisonH729 wrote: »
    I am looking for the science on this one, but I will post the bro-science version in the meantime.

    I have read, somewhere, most likely after Googling something along the lines of "Drinking more water, peeing constantly" that the body adapts to the amount of water it is used to having. So when you suddenly decide to give it more, it sort of goes, 'Woah hang on, I don't really know what I want to do with all of this just yet' so you urinate more often. But if you continue to hydrate at this new higher level your body will adjust and you won't run to the bathroom every 20 min.

    Makes perfect sense to me. Guess I shoulda googled first. :p
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member
    What else are you drinking? Coffee? Tea? Juice? Milk? You might be drinking too much if you're drinking a lot of other stuff along with 8 cups of water, which might contribute to peeing too often. I can't see your diary, so just guessing.

    I pee often, always have, so going to the bathroom every 30 minutes is normal for me. I drink about 3L of water and a glass of milk every day.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    isulo_kura wrote: »
    Sorry if TMI, but I have recently started to get serious about my weight loss (just started on Monday) and I know part of that is drinking at least 8 8oz glasses of water a day. What has deterred me from doing this in the past is that when I drink that much water I just can't stop peeing! I'm talking like every 5-10 mins! Is this normal? Will it regulate after a while? TIA!! ☺️
    Drink less water problem solved. Your body has a perfectly good method of telling you if it needs water. It's called thirst. The 8 glasses of water thing has no science behind it (it was actually a marketing campaign for a mineral water company before everyone started quoting it. It's just a number plucked out of thin air. Yes staying hydrated is important but don't be silly about it. If your peeing a lot your body doesn't need it
    Yes, go by the colour of your urine, and bear in mind that ALL drinks are water, not just straight, flat bottled or tap water. E.g. I drink 2-3 cups of tea per day, plus a can of Coke Zero. Those, plus a large glass of water 3x per day, I'm all set!
  • kylee_elyse
    kylee_elyse Posts: 23 Member
    zyxst wrote: »
    What else are you drinking? Coffee? Tea? Juice? Milk? You might be drinking too much if you're drinking a lot of other stuff along with 8 cups of water, which might contribute to peeing too often. I can't see your diary, so just guessing.

    I pee often, always have, so going to the bathroom every 30 minutes is normal for me. I drink about 3L of water and a glass of milk every day.

    I have cut everything out except water and one cup of tea a day (which I am counting as a glass of water in my diary)
  • AlisonH729
    AlisonH729 Posts: 558 Member
    Thirst, or lack thereof, isn't necessarily a good indicator of adequate hydration. My rule- "Drink til it's clear."
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    If you are new to drinking this much water it is perfectly fine to need to go a lot at first. This should even out within about 10 days as your body gets used to being hydrated. If this issue continues beyond two weeks then it might be time to contact a dr. for advice as going pee too much or too little can be signs of health issue.
  • kylee_elyse
    kylee_elyse Posts: 23 Member

    No thank God! Lol.
  • kylee_elyse
    kylee_elyse Posts: 23 Member
    neaneacc wrote: »
    If you are new to drinking this much water it is perfectly fine to need to go a lot at first. This should even out within about 10 days as your body gets used to being hydrated. If this issue continues beyond two weeks then it might be time to contact a dr. for advice as going pee too much or too little can be signs of health issue.

    Thank you! That is very good advice. I will stick with it for a few weeks and see if it doesn't even out. My problem in the past is that I never went more than 2 days so I don't have any data to compare it to. Glad others have had similar issues. Thanks everyone! ☺️
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    Did you have issues before you started drinking that much water?

    Not everyone needs to drink 8 8oz glasses a day. On top of that you have to remember that you are getting "water" in your food and in other drinks. Also, the color of your pee means just about nothing unless you are talking extremes (like super dark and cloudy).

    If it continues, then you should speak to your doctor as messing with your kidneys and bladder can lead to many bad bad things.
  • kylee_elyse
    kylee_elyse Posts: 23 Member
    Athijade wrote: »
    Did you have issues before you started drinking that much water?

    Not everyone needs to drink 8 8oz glasses a day. On top of that you have to remember that you are getting "water" in your food and in other drinks. Also, the color of your pee means just about nothing unless you are talking extremes (like super dark and cloudy).

    If it continues, then you should speak to your doctor as messing with your kidneys and bladder can lead to many bad bad things.

    I have noticed my urinating had increased over the last two years. I partly thought it was because of the weight gain. Also, I suppose I should have mentioned that I have been drinking alcohol pretty heavily for over a year. Stupidly, I never thought that it could be connected to my urinating. Now I'm thinking it may be. I have since stopped the drinking so I guess I will see if that helps.
  • noobletmcnugget
    noobletmcnugget Posts: 518 Member
    edited March 2015
    To be honest I feel like forcing yourself to drink loads of water and then being stuck going to the toilet all the time is all a bit silly. Your body knows how much water you need. You've survived perfectly well up to this point relying on your own thirst signals. There's not really any need for your urine to be clear all the time. The whole point of your kidney is that it's able to vary water reabsorption to make sure you have enough.

    The only reason I'd make myself drink more is when I'm feeling peckish to suppress hunger, or if I've eaten something particularly salty to try and reduce bloating.
  • sfrwils
    sfrwils Posts: 1 Member
    isulo_kura wrote: »
    Drink less water problem solved. Your body has a perfectly good method of telling you if it needs water. It's called thirst. The 8 glasses of water thing has no science behind it (it was actually a marketing campaign for a mineral water company before everyone started quoting it. It's just a number plucked out of thin air. Yes staying hydrated is important but don't be silly about it. If your peeing a lot your body doesn't need it

    I don't know the history, so maybe it started as a marketing campaign, but there is science. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water has been correlated with lower rates of all kinds of diseases and conditions, including clinical depression. I'm not a doctor, and I don't have a link for you, so take that for what it's worth.

    As for using thirst to guide your hydration, I'd point out that when you're thirsty your body is already dehydrated. Drinking plenty of water can help prevent dehydration before it happens.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I used to never drink water. Over the past year I have switched to almost exclusively water (outside of my morning 2 cups of coffee and the occasional glass of wine or beer). I did have a readjustment period. There are some big benefits though to my water consumption. My skin, especially on my face, is super nice now. Very supple and soft. I used to get horrible dry skin in the winter, now I don't.

    I also find that dehydration stalls my weight loss. I'm better about the water on the weekdays since I'm at work and it's a good excuse to get up and take a walk. I always feel dehydrated come Sunday night.
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    alcohol is a well known bladder irritant. if you are now drinking more water than you were on top of drinking alcohol pretty heavily, then this may be the cause.
  • kylee_elyse
    kylee_elyse Posts: 23 Member
    To be honest I feel like forcing yourself to drink loads of water and then being stuck going to the toilet all the time is all a bit silly. Your body knows how much water you need. You've survived perfectly well up to this point relying on your own thirst signals. There's not really any need for your urine to be clear all the time. The whole point of your kidney is that it's able to vary water reabsorption to make sure you have enough.

    The only reason I'd make myself drink more is when I'm feeling peckish to suppress hunger, or if I've eaten something particularly salty to try and reduce bloating.

    Very good point. It's also refreshing to hear (no pun intended. Ha!) I have just been afraid that if I don't drink enough water it will hinder my weight loss.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It happens to me when I'm dropping water weight a few times a month... then I have to pee every 5 minutes sometimes... then back to peeing every other hour or something.

    I would give it a few weeks too.
  • breezy0906
    breezy0906 Posts: 164 Member
    very normal. remember the food you eat has water in it too. especially fruits and veggies
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    There's no reason to drink more than is required to stay hydrated. Aside from that, are you weighing everything with a food scale?
  • kylee_elyse
    kylee_elyse Posts: 23 Member
    There's no reason to drink more than is required to stay hydrated. Aside from that, are you weighing everything with a food scale?

    I have not been. I am planning on buying a food scale tomorrow to better measure my calorie intake.