

I'm new to this site and message boards as well. I bet I have lost 2000 pounds in my life (the same 20, 100 times). It seems as though I do well for a while and then for some reason I sabbotage myself. The last really good diet and excercise routine I had going took me to within 20 pounds of my goal weight (having lost over 60 pounds to get there). I don't know what happened but the next thing I new, I had gained 30 pounds back. It's like I am affraid of the victory or something. I want it so bad but I always seem to get in my own way and my own actions baffle me. I was wondering if anyone else does that or feels the same way? I am hoping maybe on this site I can find some friends with similar circumstances so that we can battle this thing together...anyone out there?


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I find myself doing the same thing. For me, it's like I really can't imagine myself thin again and it's a little scary, this big change. Hang in there and take it one day at a time and it won't seem so daunting of a task :)
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Always up and down, though usually it's not that much weight loss at any given attempt.

    For me, It felt like so much work for such slow progress, I think I would give up because not having to try was so much easier and had a quicker reward (yummy food).

    Trusting the process of this site, seeing the inspirational results, and getting the support from buddies on here have really helped me keep going. And also, realizing that I completely have the ability to do this, that I am in complete control of my actions, that it's the one thing I really do have power over, and that if I focus my energy and attention on myself, i will be a happier person, have given me motivation.

    Good luck to you in this whole process. I'm sending you a friend request so we can build a bigger support system :)
  • ocampocordova
    I really relate to how you are feeling, I myself have been having a really hard time with self-sabbotage and wondering what the heck my deal is?.....I started out doing great, in the first 9 weeks I lost 29 pounds and now in the last 6 or 7 weeks I have lost one pound. I will have a few good days then a few really really bad days then I feel bad and guilty wondering what I'm doing and I'm back on to a few good days and so it just keeps on going. I am still 65 pounds away from my goal so it's very frustrating and I don't know what to do with myself. Also I started to up my exercise time and then came down with a super nasty cold that just won't go so I haven't been putting in my needed time. I really do think something is holding me back I just wish I could figure it out and kick it's a*# because I really want to lose this fat and feel better.
  • hatesexercise
    I do the same thing and I do not know why. It's like I get tired of working at it after awhile. I lost over 25 lbs between Sept 2007 and June 2008 (had 60 plus pounds to lose) and I just quit. Went back to old eating habits as if by some miracle I was not going to have the same results. I gained everything back plus a few pounds. My husband is doing a weight plan with me this time and it really helps to have the daily support. I agree with another poster - take one day at a time - that's all any of us can do!
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    It's not self sabotage, it's you're forcing yourself to lose weight, you're putting too much stress on the body. The thing to do is to change that, the way to do that is by making "slow manageable changes" It's more of a psychological thing, you have to link pleasure with your weight loss journey.
  • Anolte76
    Anolte76 Posts: 105
    I was telling someone the other day I'm the same way. It's like I'm scared to reach that goal.