New here... Insanely Motivated...

Hey guys, Dan here.
I found this app as a result of a major change i've made in my life, its seriously helpful in allowing me to better track my progress towards my goals, so props to whomever developed it.

First things first, about...3 months ago, I weighed about 115-125lbs, I was reasonably healthy, skinny but capable and very athletic.
Now I'm at 143lbs, running further, climbing higher, pushing harder and lifting heavier.

About me: I'm 22, 5'10, 143lbs, insanely motivated, a business owner, athlete, coach and am busting my *kitten* trying to get into the United States Marine Corps.
To break that down further, at 17 ( 2010), I opened a business in my lifelong sport of Archery, Its been running strong and I am currently an L-III NTS, Community Coach, or in simpler terms, An L3 Coach, i'm also working towards my L4 Coaching status. I train archers and athletes in the National training system ( Bio-mechanically efficient shooting technique) and am putting my athleticism and motivation towards inspiring athletes to better themselves.

I'm a die-hard patriot and feel a sincere need to give back to the community and country that I love and through that need found myself at the USMC recruiting center. After 6+ months of medical waivers and "hurry up and wait", my papers are still on someone's desk awaiting consideration into the Corps. Despite my set-backs with the Corps, I've found a deeper sense of purpose within myself and have made some life changing realizations during my pursuit of the Corps and living up to their initial fitness standards.

Two things big things have started a major change in my life,

First: I started listening to motivational speeches on youtube by great men like Eric Thomas, Les Brown, Greg Plitt, Ronald Reagan and a few others... (I am a firm believer now of talking things into existence) I ended up getting ideas and ideals stuck in my head things like:
Pushing further when you've got nothing left... unlimited personal potential...aspiring to greater things... doing things you've never done in order to get places you've never been... finding motivation on your worst days... working harder then the next guy... understanding that enough might not be enough... training while the other guys are sleeping...understanding what an indomitable spirit and will are, and having one...etc, etc, etc

I would go for runs ( especially when I didn't want to) and listen to these speeches about greatness, struggle, success and failure, rise and grind, dedication, obsession and perseverance. Eventually these burrowed into my brain and being and now swirl as a constant drive and purpose. I've finally found a sense of urgency with which to perform and the reasons for why I act.

Second:A Sergeant of mine told me that he "won't let me hide behind my potential"... He'd ask me everyday I came into the station to PT (i'm in there very often) if I was in the Olympics yet, I'd respond with some lame ( but seemingly reasonable) answer as to how my priorities were the Corps and to my Coaching. I'm not sure that I plan on going to the Olympics, but I am 100% sure that I am going to be great.
I was also told to lead by example... I've started to preach to my athletes about fitness and nutrition as well as alot of motivating talks about perseverance and hard work... Bottom line was in order to truly speak about these things, I had to live them, which brings me to now.

I have made a declaration to myself that I will train harder, work longer, study more, eat better and that I will succeed at anything I set my sights on.


  • hyIianprincess
    hyIianprincess Posts: 302 Member
    Welcome! First off, let me say congrats. Pretty inspiring.
    Good luck on reaching your goals. :)
  • josueg123
    josueg123 Posts: 18 Member
    Congratulations on everything you've accomplished so far. At such a young age it's really impressive. Seems like you have most of your life figured out. I'm curious though as to your reasoning behind joining the marine corps as a way of giving back. It seems you're already benefitting society by operating your business and motivating athletes to better themselves.

    I have a feeling you'll be able to truly change people's lives and help people better themselves without having to risk it all in the marines. Not joining wouldn't make you any less patriotic. But hey, don't let me tell you how to run your life, I'm just a random guy on MFP :P

    Best of luck to you man, sounds like you're doing great.
  • CoachDanBolduc
    I appreciate the kind words guys.
    Josueg123, I am going Reserves for now to allow me to continue coaching and whatnot, but anyway..... the way I see it is: There are countless men and women who have served in defense of our country, the cost is something we will be eternally indebted for. The very least I can do is offer up my service in defense of my country, I would gladly shoulder the weight of our service men and women and allow them to rest easy. Who am I to enjoy the freedom's they provide without offering to defend those freedoms myself.

    I hope to serve in honor of all those who came before me, to take their place so they can rest easy knowing their country is in good hands, to protect the country I hold so dear and to hold myself to the highest standards and ideals of an American citizen.

    I could rant for hours on why I need to serve, but that's a little of why.