A little bit confused.



  • Kcrax
    Kcrax Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah im vegetarian and don't like pulses :neutral_face: I'm completely doing this all wrong arnt I! I'm hungry all the time but that kind of motivates me in a way like I can feel it working

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,138 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am not sure what options you have over there to find out your body composition (what % of you is fat and what % of you is muscle). Tape and caliper measurements are one option. DXA (or DEXA) scans are another. Bodypod and other methods are also available.

    I regret not doing a DXA scan right away, but I only pay about half of what I see bodyscanuk charges : - )

    Anyway: knowing your lean muscle mass would allow you to further dial in your caloric burn. And it would give you a starting point to strive to maintain.

    As you lose weight you will lose fat and non fat mass. I would suspect the whole point is to maximize one and minimize the other!

    And the strategy to minimize lean muscle mass loss is: less aggressive deficits, eat lots of protein (up to 0.8g per lb of your lean body mass), lift heavy, don't do excessive cardio.

    Having said that, the more excess fat you have the easier it is to lose fat only.

    And being in the 'enviable" position of having lots of it I haven't personally lifted anything heavy as of yet, so others will best advise you on that.

    As you keep losing weight and as you discover that it is easier to move around and do things I am sure that your goals will adjust. Maybe you will decide to do different activities, or to target something other than pure weight loss as your end goal.

    But, as you make various eating or exercise decisions ask yourself whether you are making choices that you can sustain over the next 10 or 15 years. Because if the answer is that you don't see yourself continuing to do whatever... then what happens when you stop doing it?

    That's it for me for now in terms of sage advise : -)
    I am almost asleep in my chair 'cause it is 2:40am... so good morning to you : - )
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,138 Member
    edited March 2015


    However, I will also let you be and hope that someone else chips in because my vegetarian knowledge is sadly lacking.

    Nothing wrong with being gung-ho, you did it perfectly all-right for your Phase I! Now you're getting ready to move to Phase II with more knowledge and improved goals!

    The two links below might give some ideas as to how to best setup MFP. But, I think that the sites I've referred you to already also have some very good advice in terms of dialing in a caloric level!

    (Note that fit101.org pops up a newsletter/subscription request which I ignore)

    And one thing that pops to mind is nuts and salads. Fruits even. I don't recall seeing a lot of that stuff in your diary. Of course you would have to weight nuts carefully as they are calorically very dense.

  • Kcrax
    Kcrax Posts: 13 Member
    All thing to think about..... Thankyou for your help. It's 9:48am here so I'm gonna get dressed. X