I need to lose 100 lbs.

I need motivation!


  • traceyd81
    traceyd81 Posts: 5 Member
    I need to loose 110 :-) Feel free to add me!
  • mandychowx
    mandychowx Posts: 179 Member
  • mandychowx
    mandychowx Posts: 179 Member
    10kg difference.
  • I've got quite a bit as well about 120 please add me. WE GOT THIS!!!
  • I need to lose 100lbs, but I am giving myself a 50lb goal to start. I know it will take time but I don't want to get discouraged. I'm not sure if that will work but, it's worth a try. Good luck to you too!
  • LolaBanana87
    LolaBanana87 Posts: 1
    edited March 2015
    I'm 5 ft tall and I started at 248 lbs. I'm 20 days in. I've lost 18 lbs. I currently weigh 230 lbs :) I have 100 lbs to go. I'm on a 1200 calorie diet and I go to gym five days a week. It's going rather well. Add me if you like!
  • kristenlarkin
    kristenlarkin Posts: 235 Member
    I lost 103 pounds since July 21 following a low carb way of life. I have 21 pounds to go until I am in the healthy weight range for my height, but would like to lose at least another 30 pounds. You can do it. Good luck to you all!
  • lolalament
    lolalament Posts: 73 Member
    I'm losing over 100lbs total, but I'm already nearly a quarter of the way there. At one point I was thinking "omg, I can't do this!" but at the moment it's going ok
  • keinatural
    keinatural Posts: 3 Member
    So far I'm 27lbs down I have about 90 to go. Any advice and I know we got this :D
  • Fat_Girl_Gone
    Fat_Girl_Gone Posts: 15 Member
    Me too! well more like 150lbs! We can do this!
    If anyone would like to add me then please do xx
  • saysarai
    saysarai Posts: 5
    I need to lose 60+ and im 17, im positive we can do this!
  • I just started this journey because I have always put myself last but that's over with need too lose 100 lbs. I am very motivated at the moment joined the gym with my sisters and got a trainer ....I know it's so hard to do this own your own would love some friends so we could keep each other motivated. ..I know we can do this just know it won't be easy !!!!!
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    You can do it!!! I'm down 68 and have 32 more to go to get to my 100 lb goal. Once I get there i don't plan on stopping either........feel free to add me:)
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I lost 118 lbs six years ago and now maintain. If I can do it anyone can...
  • jj_steele
    jj_steele Posts: 71 Member
    You can do it! It will be difficult at times, but just keep telling yourself that you can do it! Keep working toward your goals. Congratulations on taking the first step!
  • SyllyReth
    SyllyReth Posts: 59 Member
    Trying to get 180 off here. Feel free to add me! Could use all the support/motivation I can get.
  • anastasiaosho
    anastasiaosho Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for all the positive feedback! Add me as a friend!
  • SophMadsMom
    SophMadsMom Posts: 9 Member
    Going to go for at least 100 lbs. I just started the other day. I'm setting small goals at the moment.

    Feel free to add me.
  • mandychowx
    mandychowx Posts: 179 Member
    Feel free to add me for daily inspo x