Hello need to lose 100 lbs. starting out very motivated. just could use some help staying that way !

Have always put myself last and you can tell that in my weight ready to make changes in my life for the better started at the gym and got a trainer. ...now if I can just learn the right way to eat


  • ajpopoca88
    ajpopoca88 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me. id love some new friends to help in this tough journey as well.
  • EJOY1988
    EJOY1988 Posts: 254 Member
    edited March 2015
  • Melodee_Ann
    Melodee_Ann Posts: 127 Member
    Sending you a request! I also have 100 pounds to lose ~ the more support we all have for each other... the better! You go this! Time to take care of YOU!! :)<3
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    You can do it Marylou! Glad you are motivated -- and getting off on the right track. Success will add to that motivation as you go because it can be tough sometimes keeping that drive going at the start. This site is a great tool.
  • DyDy1987
    DyDy1987 Posts: 6
    Have always put myself last and you can tell that in my weight ready to make changes in my life for the better started at the gym and got a trainer. ...now if I can just learn the right way to eat

    Hi Mary, I'm no expert at losing weight but I did lose my goal weight by changing the way I eat. I eat all organic foods, fruits, salads and fish. I rarely eat processed foods and once or twice a week I'll eat chicken or beef. I drink a lot of water every day, I push myself to drink at least 4-5 cups a day. It's great that you joined the gym, keep up the good work! We're all in this together, stay positive, and if you ever need some motivation I'm here! Hope this helped a little
  • maryloupatt
    Wow thank you so much ....will keep that in mind :D
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Marylou, We are in the same boat. My boat was sinking fast so I'm trying new things and getting healthy. I started in January and am focusing on my health not the numbers (or at least I try) I'll add you and we can motivate one another
  • maryloupatt
    Sounds great thank you so much !!!!
  • shfoster0721
    shfoster0721 Posts: 239 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am down 140 pounds in just over a year. I understand the journey and the need for support. I wouldn't have been so successful with a lot of support from my wife, family, and friends.
  • MattMMorrissey
    MattMMorrissey Posts: 14 Member
    Great job you have made it past the hardest step. You can friend my wife and myself. We are on a life style change since the new year and my Food Diary is open for viewing if you need ideas. Its not perfect but it has been working for us. Celebrate every day that you make progress. The thing that helped me the most was to put my food in MFP the night before for the next day! Then you can make adjustments to before you even eat!
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Good morning!

    1 - It is awesome that you are on here and motivated...your goal is to stay this motivated a week, month, 3 months from now. Baby steps!

    2 - Do not starve yourself!!! So important!!! You will fail. 100% guarantee. It took you a long time to get to this point, it takes time to "turn the station wagon into a sports car" again.

    3 - Set a realistic goal for weight loss...the first few weeks are easy. Pounds will fall off. Once the first few weeks are over, it is more of a marathon. Set a pace that you can maintain. DO NOT BURN YOURSELF OUT!

    4 - Get friends - active friends! They help. Accountability partners work. MUST DO THIS!

    5 - There are tons of ideas and suggestions for food low cal, but tasty and filling foods on this site. Check them out - experiment!

    Good luck!

  • maryloupatt
    Awesome thank you so much :D
  • virleach
    virleach Posts: 20 Member
    Sent you request
  • judyring
    judyring Posts: 22 Member
    Add me if you would like
  • sphillips854
    You got this, Marylou! I'm also learning to eat better and it's a challenge. But it's definitely worth it! Good luck to you!
  • snydhead
    snydhead Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me! I know exactly what you're going through!!!! You can do this!!!!
  • kimsko2010
    kimsko2010 Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck to you, I think support is huge so I will look forward to your updates! Go, go go!
  • kaycee1002
    kaycee1002 Posts: 6 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am also learning to prioritize me instead of others. If I can't be here for me, I won't be any use to anyone else.
  • Heather417
    Heather417 Posts: 31 Member
    Please count me in! I'm Heather and I too would like to lose 100lbs. I've tried everything under the sun. I'd lose 25 lbs or so and then lose interest/motivation and gain it all back and then some.
    Looking forward to holding each other accountable!
  • firedevil35
    firedevil35 Posts: 40 Member
    Count me in too! Feel free to add me. I have lost 39 lbs so far, and its motivational to hear everyones story.