Kind of new.........AGAIN

Hi there..................I have joined and re-joined here a few times but now as today is my 42nd b-day I have decided to totally committ to this and get rid of this extra weight that is dragging me down. I feel myself getting heavier and heavier slowly and am scared. I just lost my father over a month ago and feel like I need to do this kind of in honor of him as well as my family and most importantly......ME!!!

Feel free to add me as a friend. I could use all the motivation possible!!



  • Ibe_Theninja
    Welcome back!!! WE CAN DO IT!!! ;)
  • Remi79
    Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
    Welcome back! You can do it this time! This is actually my 2nd time back, but I am sticking with it this time.
  • BratNellie
    BratNellie Posts: 19
    Welcome back. Feel free to add me as a friend. I will cheer u on.
  • Crooks0204
    Crooks0204 Posts: 189
    Welcome back. Sorry about your father, it is really sweet that you want to do this in his honor. Im sure that will be a great motivation for you! Happy Birthday too!! Feel free to add me if you wish! Good luck on your goals!
  • Akiyah
    Akiyah Posts: 57
    Welcome back Laura, we are all here to support one another, no matter the story or struggle we need one another to face the tough battle of weight loss. I'm sorry about your dad. Virtual hug : ) Add me if you like. Good luck to you and happy shedding!