I used to be a success story, then i gained it all back.

AshleyLeaa Posts: 5
edited March 2015 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Ashley, I'm 23 years old. I have struggled with weight since i was a teenager. Some pretty traumatic things happened when i was growing up, up into my preteens and the way i decided to cope with my emotions, was with food. By the time i was 20 years old i had reached 250 pounds and was extremely unhealthy. I finally hit my breaking point and was tired of feeling sad, lethargic, and unmotivated.

I was tired of looking in the mirror everyday and hating the person i saw staring back at me, i was tired of being in relationships and not wanting to be touched in certain areas that i was the most embarrassed about, or having to practically stay fully clothed when i was intimate with my boyfriends. I wanted to be healthy and feel confident in myself. I wanted to look in the mirror and see the beautiful person who i was on the inside reflected on the outside as well. So i decided to join a gym, i ended up joining LA Fitness and just changed my lifestyle completely. I only ate whole grains, veggies, fruits, and lean meats. I drank A LOT of water every day and slowly started incorporating exercise into my every day routines.

After about 3 months i was going to the gym 5 days a week for two hours at a time, by the time a year had rolled around i had lost 112 pounds. I still hadn't reached my goal weight, but i felt amazing and had a whole new level of self confidence about myself. I was dressing better, taking better care of my self and met someone who i have been with for two years now. The next month at the gym i began to plateau at the gym and was getting extremely frustrated, so i made the "smart" decision to take a break from the gym to give my muscles time to forget the every day routine, which as you can imagine turned into me not going back to the gym for a year. Other things in my life including stress factored into my excuses on why i couldn't or didn't feel like going to the gym that day.

Now it's March 28th, 2015 and all of the hard work i put into changing my life is pretty much gone, i have gained probably 50 pounds back of what i had lost and now im back at square one. I just joined the gym again about a month ago, i have gone maybe 10 times. It's also affecting my relationship i have right now too, it's obvious that i have gained weight, and i feel like it's putting a strain on our intimacy also.. I have done it before, i know im capable of doing it and sticking to it, but this time around i just feel so discouraged, i don't seem to be as sore as i was in the first few months of working out, i don't feel like i'm losing as much as i was in the beginning this time around as opposed to before. I don't know what to do, besides google different ways and ect.. I would love some feedback/support/suggestions/motivation. Anything would be great. Thank you..


  • tgoetschius
    tgoetschius Posts: 26 Member
    I know that the main goal is to lose weight, however, changing your perspective from going on a diet and losing weight to changing your lifestyle to get fit and healthy might help. I haven't really been in your situation, but I have been around people who have and I know that by not focusing on an ending goal weight, but as a healthier lifestyle is the better way to go. By changing you habits permanently and creating a new habit will definitely change your life and the weight should come off naturally. Also, make sure that you're drinking lots and lots of water every day! That helps speed up your metabolism and sometimes when you think that you are hungry, you're actually thirsty so that helps cut out unnecessary calories that you might consume throughout the day. I know that I'm not an expert but I feel like I've done a lot of research (I'm kind of a nerd like that), and I feel that these will help you stick to it in a positive way, as opposed to dreading that workout or what not. I hope that you find something in here useful and I wish you all the best on your journey! You can do this!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    If you lost 112 and gained 50 back, then that's not back to square on, is it?

    Have confidence in yourself, you have been there and done it, so it should be comforting that you know you can apply yourself once into the groove.

    This time when you get to the point you stalled, then you can do something different.

    Ps some paragraphs would encourage more people to read your post.
  • gwlawrence2020
    gwlawrence2020 Posts: 27 Member
    What a great post! Really touched by your honesty. I especially found myself moved by your words, "I have done it before, i know im capable of doing it and sticking to it, but this time around i just feel so discouraged,..." To be entirely transparent, I have found myself feeling the exact same thing on more than one occasion. I applaud you for not giving up though. Yes, it will be a fight but you can do it. Your story is still being written and I look forward to reading the next chapter. Take care.
  • bcamacho9
    bcamacho9 Posts: 15
    Ashley I can relate you alot. The most important part is that your willing to put in the effort. I am new to this as well. Our journey begins. Good luck (:
  • lynniedaw
    Hi Ashley first thing don't beat yourself up over this I am 47 and I know how hard it is to stay thin! I look at food like an recovering alcoholic it's there and we could easly fall off the wagon at anytime. There just is not a quick fix to weight loss but there is ways to maintain it once you get there. I have been losing weight now and still countinue to I give my self one cheat day out of the week to eat pizza, tacos, or something good then right back on my diet the next day. This seems to help me a lot so I don't feel I'm missing the foods I like and I still am losing weight. Hope this helped keep going and don't give up!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Well done on catching this before you ARE back to square one. What wasn't sustainable? Eating "right" or two hrs a day five days a week. For me eating healthy is sustainable. I'm not sure I could be in a gym for ten hrs a week. Everyone is different though and you need to figure out what's sustainable for you. Congrats on being back on track!
  • Cheryllynnhagen
    Cheryllynnhagen Posts: 51 Member
    It does seem harder the 2nd or 3rd time around, at least for me too. Never give up.
  • atarlentinoNY77
    atarlentinoNY77 Posts: 4 Member
    Ashley...I am on the same journey as you.
    Many have been where we stand today and made the same decision we are and have succeeded. You are a strong, beautiful and dedicated woman; set your mind to this journey and remember that we all hit the plateaus at some point in our journey. It is at that time, when we must become stronger and not give up - change your routine versus just not going at all.

    We are all here for you and you will succeed!
    I wish you all the best on your renewed journey...