47 and ready for a change!

Hi everyone I'm a 47 yr old mother of 6 boys ranging from 29 - 7 and all my life I have been either thin or heavy. The older you get the harder it is to lose weight with pre menopause and menopause so I wish you all good luck we can do it! Donna


  • slimstrauss
    slimstrauss Posts: 209 Member
    I'm a 51 yr old mum of 5 !
    Agree with what you are saying , have lost 14lbs since jan so it can be done, you just have to have the willpower to keep going!
    Feel free to add me
    Where are you?
  • gwlawrence2020
    gwlawrence2020 Posts: 27 Member
    I can't identify with the "mother" part of your story ;) But I certainly agree with your statement, "The older you get the harder it is to lose weight." Good luck with your journey to change. You can do it.