women 4ft10 to 5ft

So ive been doing well, ice lost 8lb but ive got around 20 more and a lot of toning up. Im 4ft 11 and 133 lb. Looking for friends with simular goals :)


  • slimstrauss
    slimstrauss Posts: 209 Member
    I'm 5ft tall , similar weight .
    Have lost 14 lbs since jan, would be happy to support you!
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    I'm 6 feet but I would love to support your weight loss :)
  • pittsingersg
    pittsingersg Posts: 29 Member
    I am 4'11" and weigh 136. My goal is to be 115. Don't worry about BMI if you are lifting though. Muscle weighs more than fat and helps you build a stronger frame. Numbers don't always matter, it's how you feel. Guaranteed I'm not Obese- which is what the BMI index tells me. I can do several pullups, lift more than 115 # on the bench at least 3 times. I want to have 17% body fat and food is the only thing holding me back from this goal. What are some of the things that make losing weight difficult for you?
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    I'm 4'11'', currently weigh 127 lbs (started at 135), age 32.

    I'm losing weight very slowly >=( , but surely ^^

    I'm eating 1100 cals aprox. (Had to cut down from the 1200 limit cuz I was truthfully not losing. And yes, I very tediously weighed and measured everything.) I do opt for the most nutritious choices, with a treat here or there throughout the week.

    I've been feeling dead tired this year for some reason, but I've found that working out gives me more energy... huh! A bit of cardio + strength training... and boring stretches.

    And I drink 8 glasses of water, limit my sodium intake and try to sleep well.

    Add me!! All fellow shorties, feel free to add ^^
    KEHMM Posts: 2
    I'm 4'11" and currently weigh 8st 10lbs (122lbs), although I'd like to weigh closer to 7st 7lbs (105lbs) so have a ways to go - I am a proper comfort eater! Nice to meet fellow shorties :smile:
  • shonar68
    shonar68 Posts: 37 Member
    I have been away from MFP for a while and specifically typed in 5ft women lol and found this post. I am 40, 5ft 1ish lol and currently 130lbs. I am desperate to lose at least a stone, as I am the Maid of Honor at my sisters wedding in August and my dress is truly hideous on me at the moment. I look like a chubby overgrown flowergirl with arms like popeye :neutral: I also have a hen weekend in Barcelona with all my gorgeous tall, blond, big boobed friends and dont want to look like the oompa lumpa tagging along haha.

    I find it really hard to lose weight as I have always been slim, I put the weight on about 3 years ago after a period of illness and have just never managed to shift it but I finally have some real motivation. I will not be the ugly bug in the wedding photos, I will do my sister proud :smiley:
  • bestbeloved
    bestbeloved Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5 feet and haven't lost or gained any weight whatsoever...it's really frustrating, but I think it's because I'm finally at a healthy weight of 119! let's be healthy and strong together!
  • LoeshaElizabeth
    LoeshaElizabeth Posts: 96 Member
    Hey you guys, feel free to add me. Ive now lost a stone so its coming off gradually :) just keep going and stay persistant and the weight will come off x
  • pipergirl44
    pipergirl44 Posts: 1 Member
    I am trying Fitness Pal again along with a FitBit. Need support.