


  • DC_TheDrivah1
    DC_TheDrivah1 Posts: 77 Member
    I add 1/2 cup of Silk cashew milk to my coffee. I think it adds about 12cal.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    When I started out my journey, I noticed that one really bad habit I had was my 3-4 coffees a day. I used to get Tim Horton's large double double, which racks up 300cals each. So I had to stop having it. When I make my coffee at home with 2 tbsp of cream and sugar it amounts to 62cals. I still occasionally have my Timmies, but I make it a treat and only order a small or medium (150-200cals). It's good to develop awareness and tweak accordingly to your goals!
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    I add 1/2 cup of Silk cashew milk to my coffee. I think it adds about 12cal.

    1/2 cup of milk in coffee? So is that coffee flavored with milk, or milk flavored with a little coffee??
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited March 2015
    Black coffee all the way here. Never milk. Never sugar or sweetener. For cups or more a day.
  • thomasjohnlynch
    thomasjohnlynch Posts: 165 Member
    A nice legal high, even decaf as its de-caffeinated but not caffeine free. I am hooked of course <blush>. And the oils, acids, stimulants, diuretics just keep pounding my adrenals, kidneys, intestinal track, circulatory systems etc. Just like the dairy industry, the studies we ALL want to see keep getting funded and telling us how it stimulates the brain, improves everything, weight loss........yeah sure got it. Its an addiction, and its got lots of chemicals, and ingredients all you have to do is look independently at it (without that 3rd cup in your hand) . the proof of course is its usage and abuse. A LOT of people are breaking the habit to slightly a bit better product? Tea? yep had some today........maybe a 12 steps program?
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am pretty much a coffee addict. Love the stuff! I usually drink it black or with a spoonful of cream if I have any, never any sugar. Actually, I take that back. I find that Vietnamese coffee with sweetened condense milk is very good, but I usually can't stand sugar in my coffee.

    If I drink it on an empty stomach, sometimes I start feeling nauseated. I think I'm starting to get used to that now, though.

    OOH, ALSO: If you add coconut oil to your coffee and blend it up in the blender so it emulsifies, it gets frothy on the top and tastes so good... almost feels like a cappucino, and those are healthy fats in there. I also heard that if you add grass fed butter to your coffee, the caffeine will stay in your system longer.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I drink a half gallon or more of coffee every day. I use only a pinch of sugar per cup and count it as water.
  • Coffee is like air. Adapting to no coffee would surely destroy me.
  • turbosad
    turbosad Posts: 11 Member
    A cup of black coffee every weekday.
  • I can't live without my coffee. I love the frozen and iced coffee so I blend my cold coffee with my vanilla protein powder and put it over ice. I am not a breakfast eater so this solves my breakfast issue, flavors my coffee and gets my protein count up.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    At home I make iced coffees with sf syrups and u/s cashew or almond milk for 30cals, when I'm out Ill either get a skinny flavoured latte, cappuccino or just an americano if I dont wanna use any calories. I probably avg 3-4 cups of coffee a day