Need help with Calisthenics [Arms, stomach, ankle]

Rodbow15 Posts: 9 Member
edited March 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey MFP Community,

Restarted my diet recently after losing 25-30 lbs on my own and as I lost the weight it definitely got harder to lose more. I'm 5'6, weigh 196 and my waist is 34 inches. My BF% is 22, so not quite obese but not far from it either.

Along with working out on my excercise bike for a minimum of 500 calories per hour how many Push-ups and sit-ups do you recommend I do a day? Also, what ankle exercises would you recommend for an ankle that was fractured? I have to restrengthen that because of a injury I had a few years. I plan on working out 5 days a week. Not really looking for super abs or anything like that, just want to be in a better shape than I am now for the Navy. My goal weight is to get down to 175 by June at the LATEST.

Thanks in advance and any help would be greatly appreciated.

UPDATE** I currently do two sets of 20 Push-ups and 2 sets of 25 situps, while in workout mode I work out my ankle by standing on the 'weak' one for 3 sets of 60 seconns. I then do heel raises on both feet, 2 sets of 10 hops on the 'weak' foot then 10 heel raised hops on my 'weak' foot. After that I go on the bike for an hour or until I hit 500 if I didn't in the hour.


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited March 2015
    If you are cleared by a dr to work out and are not in pain, then you work for the injured angle as usual, nothing special. If it is bothering you or you have not talked to the dr, you go back to the dr and/or a physiotherapist and follow their instructions for strengthenign. In general, this will involve calf raises, resistance training and absolutely no hops, unless they are supervised by the physiotherapist (and most probably not on a hard surface).
  • SweatLikeDog
    SweatLikeDog Posts: 272 Member
    If you have to run 1.5 miles in 12:00 minutes or less, I would start with power walking combined with light jogging to test the ankle and get your cadence down under 2 minute laps.
  • Rodbow15
    Rodbow15 Posts: 9 Member
    Sorry for the super late reply,

    I actually did talk to the dr. and he knew of the symptoms (occasional swelling, stiffness) just by observing the ankle motion and said that it needs to be strengthened. My main worry was that it would re-break however after looking at the x-rays it healed fine it's just not as strong as the other. He said calf raises, suicides (to cold for that) and a wobble board are things I want to look at. I also have flat feet so he suggested a arch supports.

    On top of the usual workout, on nice days out, I plan on walking to and from my job (11 miles total. Sounds brutal but i've done it a number of times before to save both money and exercise.

    As far as push ups and situps go, i'll make 50 Situps/40 Pushups my soft goal and work myself further until I can't anymore.