Another newbie here

Hi everyone, my name is Clair and I am 28 years old. I have come on here after my Sister found this website as I am incredibly unhappy with my weight and the way I look. I was always quite slim until around 19 where I put on a little weight (people suggest it was comfort weight). I got married at 19 and was a size 12 which was 2 sizes up from my usual size 8 but I wasnt too unhappy, I planned to diet but never could due to a big love of food!

At 25 I found out I was pregnant and was so happy. I wasnt terrible with my eating during my pregnancy but I certainly allowed myself treats with the excuse that I was eating for two! I had my Daughter in October 2007 and things really were perfect My pregnancy weight just fell off and I was smaller after pregnancy than I was before, although I wasnt too bothered about my weight at that point.

A couple months after I had my Daughter Isabella, I started having health issues which got worse and worse. Around a year later I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Becoming ill has meant that my mobility is severely affected and I had quite a while of feeling sorry for myself which involved way too much comfort eating!

I am now a size 18 and so unhappy with the way that I look, I often avoid going out as I hate the way I look. I refuse to buy new clothes because I dont want to be this size so live in PJs at home and jogging bottoms when going out. I cannot remember the last time I got dressed up because I feel like I look a mess. I have decided now that I have been like this for too long and so am going to lose weight and try and improve things. I cannot exercise very much at all, standing up is something I can only do for a few minutes so exercise is really limited to swimming at the moment.

Apologies for the long message and thank you for reading this. I hope that this site is the motivation I need to lose weight and I hope that maybe I could help motivate others. I look forward to getting to know you all xx


  • lexrobin2
    lexrobin2 Posts: 33
    i can definately relate and am so sorry to hear of your illness. this site has been so amazing to me and is really helping me to break the plateau. i, as well, have just had a baby and even though the pregnancy weight fell off rather quickly, i am (was) now stuck 5 pounds over pre-pregnancy weight. However, that is still 40 pounds OVER what I should be. this site has taught me so much about my eating habits and what I am lacking or overdoing and it makes nutrition really look like common sense. good luck in your journey and never give up! we deserve to buy new clothes and feel hot again!!:heart:
  • smartin0619
    smartin0619 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome to the site! I hope you are able to find inspiration to help with your goals on this site! Feel free to add me! It makes me sad that you avoid going out due to the weight. I understand feeling self conscious but do you think staying at home is some what contributing to the weight? If you were to go out , get yourself one cute new outfit that you feel fabulous in maybe it will spark some positive energy for you!! I know I feel much better when I am dressed and "ready to go" vs sitting in my PJ's (even though PJ's are so comfy). I think you'll really like this site, lots of help and support from people!
  • ajfro
    ajfro Posts: 26
    Welcome! I am new to this site as well.
    I know exactly how you feel when it comes to leaving your house and constantly feeling uncomfortable. I hope this site offers tons of support to you. From what I can see so far, everyone seems very encouraging.
    Good luck with your weight loss. I know you can do it!
  • meshellw
    meshellw Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome.. Its amazing how you will find so much support from people you never met.... I'll help support you :)
  • izzysmum
    izzysmum Posts: 7
    Thank you so much for the replies, everyone is so supportive on here from what I have seen so far, I really do feel like this is the tool I need to help with weight loss. Its great to see what is working for others, having support when you have a bad day and I think the ability to log food and exercise is really good - that is encouraging me to not slip up because I dont want a food diary full up with days of failing to eat right!

    I have tried losing weight several times but it never really goes anywhere. I really think this is going to be different thanks to this site. I really think this website is great and everyone is really lovely. I hope you all reach your goals. Thank you for the offers of support and I hope that in return I can also offer support.

    smartin - I know what you mean about getting a nice outfit and trying to feel good. I did do that a while back and it helped for a while but I didnt try to lose weight so I ended up just going back to square one. I hope that as I lose weight, I can fit into my smaller clothes and that I am sure will make me feel better.