One more time...

Hi. I'm Tonya, 47 yrs old and need to lose about 80 lbs. I did great a few years ago on Jenny Craig, but it got expensive and I quit thinking I had the drill down. It took a while but thanks to life stressors and my usual excuses, my weight crept back up to where I started, then exceeded it and I now weigh my heaviest ever! So, I'm back on the wagon and taking it slow, eating actual food and counting everything. 2 lbs in first week-- encouraged!


  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    That is frustrating isn't it. I was on Jenny Craig in 2010 and went from 265 to about 179 lbs. It IS expensive, and my brain didn't lose the weight. I am now 248 and starting the journey all over again. Its disheartening..but at least I know now what it FELT like to be slim. I am 52 and would like to lose about 70 lbs. LETS DO THIS....and show that silly Jenny whats WHAT. :-)
  • tonyab671
    tonyab671 Posts: 5 Member
  • areallycoolstory
    areallycoolstory Posts: 1,680 Member
    Funny. I was just thinking about how many times I have started this journey, and the three times I have hit my heaviest weight ever. Right now I am working to get back down to my last heaviest weight. Lol. When I started to do the math, I think my goal weight may only be about about 10 lbs above my heaviest weight ever at 18. Last time I lost weight it was 82 lbs. I kept it off for about four years. I have 100 and a bit to lose this time around. I've lost 27 so far! 3rd time is the charm. Success to you both in your journey. Wish me success too:-)
  • tonyab671
    tonyab671 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks! Yes, success to you as well. I want this to be the last time I do this... I'm a massage therapist so I need my body to work! It used to be about the numbers in the scale, but now it's about feeling good in my body for the long haul. One step at a time!