feeling guilty and frustrated

I think I am an emotional eater. I keep going over my calorie limits. Each night I keep snaking on fast food and then feel like quitting this whole diet thing. I didn't even exercise either. How do you deal with your set backs? Do you give up or just keep trying.


  • SamTJones
    SamTJones Posts: 17 Member
    Don't give up, just keep going at it. I just keep trying, for it is most definitely a battle, but it's a battle you'll win.
  • ellieroe512
    I have alot of moral support that I can call or text. When I feel the urge to emotional eat, I pick up my phone and my bff will talk me away from the Jelly Donut Cliff!
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Break the cycle. Don't buy the fast food! Plan your meals and snacks and stick to it. When you're about to eat your feelings, go for a walk or do some yoga (or whatever relaxes you).

    You can do it. It just takes practice :)
  • valknnedy891
    valknnedy891 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't think of this as a "diet". Once I did that, it seemed more manageable. It is a change in my lifestyle. Then you don't get to "quit" You simply make better choices the next time. I struggle with the "all or nothing" mentality all the time. But the truth is we are not perfect and have times when we fail. Just remember why you chose to work on this, post those things where you see then often. Then when you have these times, you can get back on track easier. I also agree, having others who are around that share your goals helps alot! Hand in there!
  • belgarath64
    belgarath64 Posts: 125 Member
    I agree with Valknnedy89, I am not on a diet but working on creating better habits. Sometimes there are setbacks but you than get back and work on doing better. I have never let myself not have something, only moderation. I love cheese cake, if I never had cheese cake I know I would have bought one by now and eaten the whole thing. Just smaller pieces and not all the time. ( maybe one a month ) I know this is not easy but I also find having friends on here helps to keep me more accountable and we are all here for the same thing. If you want feel free to add me as a friend on here, I will do what I can to support you.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Never give up! Its always hard to get started, but once you get on a roll, it gets easier. Just take it one day at a time. I go over every time I go through a drive through. I just avoid them, and remind myself that I'm doing this for me, and it's NOT worth it. Did you ever see the movie Super Size Me? The hormones and stuff that goes into fast food makes you crave more fast food AND the guy felt more and more exhausted and depressed the more of it he ate. Its quite interesting! I only have it once every month or two, and I have to say, I feel SOOO much better, have more energy, and have lost more than 16 lbs in 6 weeks since I stopped having it.

    Don't stress. You can do it!
  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    I love sweets and salty things too but I refuse to add to the profits of the fast food industry. Plus if you want something delicious slow down and enjoy it. Don't feel guilty but be aware. No mindless eating. It's not always easy. I like watching movies and snacking. Good luck. You can do this.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'd spend some time leaning about weight loss, how it works and then devise a plan that fitted me. One I could live with and would work. I would then commit and that means dealing with everything that comes with it. Your plan doesnt sound terribly well thought out.

    If you are an emotional eater then you need to deal with the underlying things which upset you and work out a different solution than using food. That would be a big step.

    Once you have a plan ask for it to be reviewed here, so people can check its more or less sound and the math is correct. Implement it slowly and in parts, so you cna adjust. the idea is that the succsses will build your confidence and momentum to wnat to stick with it.

    At least where the diet is concerned I analyse what has caused it then devise a solution to deal with it.

    Dont feel down, you can do it, get smart.
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    Try meal prepping and getting healthy snacks mixed with some fat so you can feel fuller throughout the day. For ex. Apple slices with almond butter, Cellery with peanut butter, carrots with ranch, fruit with a string cheese, etc.. Maybe you won't feel as strong an urge near the end of the day. Don't diet, just pay attention to your nutrients and try to make better choices. Instead of an in&bout burger, have your own turkey patty on wheat bread instead dressed up with lettuce, tomatoes, whatever you want as long as it's not a pound of cheddar lol) and I guarantee it will be a better choice. Think about what healthy foods do you actually like and then stock up, cook, Tupperware and prepare everything so you have it right there and convenient to grab when you get hungry so there is less chance of you going out and sabotaging your efforts. The slip ups will happen no matter what, but don't beat yourself up - just move on and get back on track. I feel bad when I slip up, but then I chalk it up to a "cheat day" and start fresh the next day. You may also want to read below to help you recognize when you really need to eat, and when you really don't need it. Don't give up, you can make a healthier life for yourself! jat8u9z834v0.jpg
  • cakewalk9
    Thanks guys for the support.It's not me buying the fast food it is my husband . I know I should not blame my husband for my lack of control. The one thing that I think is different this time around is that I am reaching out to others.I have been a little unsure of all the internet posting.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Cant you ask him for support, maybe keep the fast away from you, eat it in another room etc? At some stage you will have to take responsibility and commit if you want it enough.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    The struggle is real. Keep at it. Remember that there is no failure short of not trying.