Struggling to gain at 189

started a lean bulk a while ago at around 3000 calories and I've got from 177 to 189 pounds, I'm now on 4300 calories and struggling to gain a pound a week at the minute!, I count every calorie, train 6 days a week and add another 300 calories to my total if I train, my macros from top of my head I think are, fats 145, protein 215, carbs 480, anyway had same problem? Not sure to increase calories again, just seems awful lot and feel like I'm constanly eating all day lol


  • lucygoesrawr
    lucygoesrawr Posts: 184 Member
    Unfortunately, yes, usually the answer is to increase your calories. My husband is in a similar position - he weighs a bit more than you but lifts 3 days a week rather than 6, doesn't really do cardio often - 4200 cals a day for 1lb a week. He eats very high calorie foods, though, to manage - for instance, he has 100-150ml cream added to his protein shakes, which doubles the calories. Bagels are good too. Especially if you put cheese in them and put them in the oven for a bit to melt it.

    Of course, there's always the chance you are overestimating how much you're eating, so make sure you're being accurate.
  • pinkzhtid
    pinkzhtid Posts: 13 Member
    I know I've been struggling to put on 1ib a week so far, I weigh everything out to the gram so calories are pretty accurate, when your trying to eat this many calories of good foods starts becoming hard work
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    What do you mean by a lean bulk?
    Are you trying to eat 'clean' by any chance and stuffing yourself to the gills with high fibre low fat food?
    High calorie dense food is the way to go.

    Clean bulking means very accurate counting and a perfect plus 500 excess.
  • lesliewalker108
    lesliewalker108 Posts: 61 Member
    Once you do start gaining I dont think you will want it later on in life for it sticks with you once you get it. My ex struggled in his younger years to gain weight, now at 46 hes a fat rolly pollie at 200 pounds and only 5'4
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    pinkzhtid wrote: »
    started a lean bulk a while ago at around 3000 calories and I've got from 177 to 189 pounds, I'm now on 4300 calories and struggling to gain a pound a week at the minute!, I count every calorie, train 6 days a week and add another 300 calories to my total if I train, my macros from top of my head I think are, fats 145, protein 215, carbs 480, anyway had same problem? Not sure to increase calories again, just seems awful lot and feel like I'm constanly eating all day lol

    A pound a week is spot on by the way.

    Ice cream for you my lovely.
  • pinkzhtid
    pinkzhtid Posts: 13 Member
    I'm raising calories to gain a pound a week each week which would be 500 calorie surplus and 145 g of fat a day is hardly low fat lol
  • pinkzhtid
    pinkzhtid Posts: 13 Member
    I've gained quite a bit so far just hit a wall, still pretty lean at the minute though, no where near fat