The elephant in the room

Hi, My name is Brandon.

I'm 25 years old 556 pounds. I'd like to give you an explanation as to why I got this way.. But outside of personal neglect and cyclical self confidence issues I was trapped in an abusive cycle of wake up,warcraft,eat,get yelled at, sleep and that cycle continued on a lather rinse and repeat cycle until i dropped out of school due to my inability to cope with my Bipolar disorder and ADHD with suicidal thoughts creeping in. There's a point in your head when you just sort of look in the mirror and ascribe a maximum value to your weight because you don't feel any bigger until you go clothes shopping, or go to a restaurant that only has booths or those chairs that are welded to the ground on swirling bases you walk by other obese people with friends and family who tell you "at least you're not as big as that person" and it gets to the point where denial creeps in so hard that you start saying things like " kill me if i ever get that big"

And then you wake up

You feel different. suddenly you're in the hospital for something random and they go to take you into an MRI machine and you begin to pass through squeezing your legs together so tightly that you narrowly slip through the margins of something wide enough for two "normal" sized people to army crawl through at the same time.

Back to basics

I got tired of living in limbo.. I had people tell me "you have a cute face" "you're so adorable"

acronyms used to describe babies and puppies.

I wanted to be handsome, I wanted to be OH *kitten* did you see him? he is fiiiiiiiinne"

But i also wanted to love myself, i bought a fitness tracker and got a membership to 24 hour fitness. I've cut out soda's, icecreams,pizzas and sadly. rice

I'm learning to use MFP and dedicating my life to becoming a student of fitness, learning to be a little more awesome every single day. On my journey to becoming apart of the US Armed Forces


  • TakingBackForever
    TakingBackForever Posts: 564 Member
    Good luck!! If you need a friend let me know! :)
  • PacificLotus
    PacificLotus Posts: 83 Member
    Welcome, Brandon! Glad you found your way here. Feel free to add me if you'd like some company on your way to total awesomeness.
  • ModernOdyssey
    I appreciate you friends are always needed (=
  • jj_steele
    jj_steele Posts: 71 Member
    You are on the right track! You can do this! It is difficult at times, but doable. You are worth it. Much success to you.
  • ModernOdyssey
    I appreciate all of you and your support means a lot to me.