Good Morning

I feel foolish for needing an app to get me to eat balanced meals and watch my weight but it isn't as if I am having much success otherwise.


  • Sparky_1113
    Sparky_1113 Posts: 2,886 Member
    I know how you feel :) add me if you like
  • Kilbyson05
    I totally understand that too. I just eat without regard to calorie or content if I'm not accountable to something. This app is it for me. And good morning :D
  • Aldo4701
    Aldo4701 Posts: 12 Member
    Plenty of research that suggests people who record their intake on a regular basis are far more successful in losing weight and keeping to the plan.It does make me think twice before going for seconds...
  • mtedards1
    mtedards1 Posts: 11 Member
    There did not seem to be anything wrong or strange about simply eating - - no calorie counting, no concern for trans fat, no thoughts on whether the food was nutrient-dense, you simply ate it. Now I feel I have to analyze the piece of gum I popped in my mouth after discovering it in the roll-top drawer while cleaning! It's ridiculous yet it seems necessary in order to change my diet and food lifestyle. Am I so undisciplined and/or clueless aka pathetic that I need an app to help me eat broccoli instead of a chocolate chip meringue?
  • mtedards1
    mtedards1 Posts: 11 Member
    I cannot believe how much weight each of you has lost! I don't know how you have the self-discipline. Kudos and admiration to you all!
  • Aldo4701
    Aldo4701 Posts: 12 Member
    I think we all know what the good choices are that we should be making but the practical application is tricky! MFP helps to train me on the practical application of good choices and also making sure i get enough protein for muscles that seem to be aching constantly from the gym
  • mtedards1
    mtedards1 Posts: 11 Member
    I agree with you on the value of My Fitness Pal. For me it has essentially shown me the "big picture" in terms of my daily diet. Although I was aware of the caloric content of carbohydrates vs protein vs fat, I did not have a real grasp as to their individual impact on my health.

    I know that I have never met a carb I did not like and that my diet was lopsided in favor of carbs, but I have come to look at carbs as the friends you desperately want to hang out with because they are laughing and cutting up, living on the wild side and loving it, but when you hang out with them you tend not to do your homework, start telling your mother to "chill" when she tells you to do something, and suddenly you think your Neiman Marcus wardrobe is frumpy.

    If a food contains more than twenty carbs in a serving when I look at the label, I literally throw it down like it is scalding hot or contains strychnine. People in the grocery store must think I'm a paranoid schizophrenic.
  • pamelatorbett
    Hi, that's funny, your outlook on carbs. It really does depend on what your goals are. This site helps with fat, protein and carbs, and others, which is such a help for all of us, even in my case where I am trying to gain muscle mass before cutting for a competition, so my carbs are high, along with protein and fat, and I have trouble making sure I get them all in during the day, but I lift heavy weights that need them for energy. So this site has helped me in a different way, but I feel having the information at my fingertips is half the battle. You are on your way!
  • mtedards1
    mtedards1 Posts: 11 Member
    My husband came home on February 1st from work and announced that he was entering a Body Fat Challenge at work and that he was going to win the district prize and lose 45 pounds. Since that day, he has become a Nutrition Nazi. Initially he researched foods and nutrition and passed on his newly found knowledge to me, asked my opinion, etc., but, just as I feared, he began passing judgement on every morsel of food that passed between my lips. Please do not misunderstand me when I say that his and my weight situations are radically different. I certainly want and need to lose weight and become healthier overall but I am trying to get back to my high school weight, not ward off a real and present danger of Type II Diabetes or hypertension. I am very grateful for all of the things he has made me aware. It has completely changed my outlook on food, but his fanaticism has made me reluctant to eat with him unless I am eating a food of which he expressly approves. I eat a large salad every evening but I no longer eat it in his presence because he would glare at me for putting salad dressing on it as if I were eating the heads of small puppies. Oh, and when he walked into the kitchen to find me taking a sip of orange juice, I may well have just issued a declaration of world war. I will continue to strive to eat more nutritiously, to be aware of what I am eating, and to force myself to get structured physical activity, but the fitness fanaticism and guilt imposed on the rest of the population by these nutrition martyrs are rather tiresome. I feel certain people are going to begin asking my BMI before having a conversation with me. If I tell them it's over 18, I will become a social pariah!
  • mtedards1
    mtedards1 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, that's funny, your outlook on carbs. It really does depend on what your goals are. This site helps with fat, protein and carbs, and others, which is such a help for all of us, even in my case where I am trying to gain muscle mass before cutting for a competition, so my carbs are high, along with protein and fat, and I have trouble making sure I get them all in during the day, but I lift heavy weights that need them for energy. So this site has helped me in a different way, but I feel having the information at my fingertips is half the battle. You are on your way!

    That illustrates my outlook precisely in that you have entirely different nutrient needs and fitness goals than does another individual but that does not make either of you wrong or lazy or uncommitted. I also think you hit the nail on the head by pointing out what a difference it makes to have the information at your fingertips. Previously for me, ignorance was bliss, but now that I know, I can no longer ignore the facts.

    I apologize for my ignorance, but what does "cutting" mean in relation to preparing for a competition?