200+ pounds to lose

I don't know how I'm going to do it. I mean, I know ~how~ it needs to be done - eat less, exercise more - but I don't know how I'm going to maintain the momentum to get it done.

I've been trying for a week. I've lost a couple pounds. Assuming I do everything more or less perfectly, and lose a couple pounds a week, it will take me YEARS to lose the weight. I feel completely overwhelmed right now.

Is anyone else in a simular situation with such a huge amount to lose? How are you doing it? How do you stay motivated? How long has it taken to lose weight?


  • thatguynick
    thatguynick Posts: 106 Member
    I am in the same boat! I am working on losing 250+ and am down 75 so far. It has taken me 6 months to get this far. Lots of water...no soda, no sweets every day, add in a little walking (it goes a long way!), and tweak your diet to try to keep within the numbers provided by MFP. As you lose weight, you'll feel like doing more which will help you shed more pounds and what seems like a daunting task becomes easier once you realize you've lost 10 lbs in a month!

    The way I am keeping my sanity is by setting mini goals along the way with activities planned for when I hit those goals. Like once I am under 400 I am going to get a bike to ride. I'm also going to start swimming once the weather is warmer. Later I will add in hiking and then rock wall climbing. It feels good to hit those mini goals!

    Keep it up and you will get there!
  • soozquu
    soozquu Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks for the words of encouragement. That's a good idea, setting mini goals. Though outdoor exercise activities aren't something I enjoy (not even when I was thin lol.) I've always been more of a museum, theater, sightseeing kind of gal. I'll have to think on what I want to do when I start getting thinner. Right now, I'm having trouble seeing past the weight.
  • DeannaCoersCarter
    DeannaCoersCarter Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in the same boat. If you would like, you can add me on here and we can keep each other motivated.
  • thatguynick
    thatguynick Posts: 106 Member
    That's the nice thing, walking is walking regardless of if you are inside or outside. Walking through a museum is still walking and exercise :)
  • ros2will3run
    ros2will3run Posts: 104 Member
    guess it's the one step at a time, to reach 1000 miles!
    Been trying to lose weight for a while, it's v.slow..so I guess I am over-estimating my food intake. so might get some scales...mmm
    Been walking since December, feel a definite improvement..
    I like art, art galleries..but can enjoy a swim, or soon will try (again) c25k..little jogs at first..
    Take it slowly...ish..and if you fall down, pick yourself back up!!
    There are some inspiring people who achieve their fitness goals and beyond,
    and also lost weight.
    If you want, add me as a pal!! All the best, Ros
  • jglovicz
    jglovicz Posts: 44 Member
    If you like museums and that sort of thing, use that to your advantage. Invest in a pedometer (and good walking/running shoes) so you can track your steps (aim for 10,000 to start). Park far away from the entrance and bring a healthy packed lunch- you can leave that in the car. Then, midway through your tour, walk out to your car to get your lunch (maybe you can have a picnic), then walk back and finish your museum tour. It's also amazing how many steps you can get in while running errands (especially at big super centers). Make sure you plan your meals and snacks ahead of time so you don't fall into the trap of high calorie fast food, etc. You can do this! Use this sight for motivation!
  • akayek31
    akayek31 Posts: 24 Member
    I have to lose at least 175 pds. I have been using MFP for 2 weeks. The first week I lost 10 pds this week none. But I hope to get back to that soon.
  • annecandoit
    annecandoit Posts: 7 Member
    I am looking to lose at least 200lbs. It is hard, but it can be done. Feel free to add me, and we can help each other with encouraging words, especially on the rough days.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    By making the decision to lose weight, you are making the decision to change your life, so the time line is not as important as you think.
    Some people set little rewards along the way. This for example: Logging everyday for 60 days -- some new make up or purse. Then another reward after the next 60 days of being on plan and so on . . . . . . . . Then after 180 days -- give yourself a bigger reward.
    A few weeks ago, hubby and I went to an opera and the performance was even more delightful because I could appreciate what I had done to get there.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm planning to lose nearly 170 pounds, and have lost about 95 so far. It took me 2 years which included multiple-month long breaks. The trick is to make it as easy for yourself as possible. Try different approaches, keep the easy and throw away the hard. Have your diet be as close to your usual diet as possible while still being able to lose weight. For example, I started by shrinking my regular portions 2 tablespoons at a time, removing a few things that I did not like much but ate out of habit, and replacing a few things with lower calorie alternatives provided they do not make things taste worse (for example bulking my pasta with vegetables).

    I still have very high calorie days sometimes, but I try to make up for them with lower calorie days doing some sort of modified intermittent fast if you will.

    I take maintenance breaks whenever I feel like it, even mini gains of no more than 5 pounds, I figured even if I don't lose anything for a few months I'm still better off than I would have been had I continued being fat or gained a lot during these breaks. As long as I take more steps forward than I do backward I will get there eventually.

    I think about my maintenance and try to develop habits that would help me with that before I reach it. It would suck to lose 170 pounds then gain them all back just because I'm not prepared for maintenance.

    I weigh in daily, regardless if I'm losing, gaining, or maintaining at that point. watching how my weight naturally fluctuates helps me understand my weight loss process more and how things like sodium, hydration, increase/decrease in calories affect my weight. Getting used to these daily fluctuations saves me the frustration of stressing over the numbers on the scale.

    I try to keep mini goals in mind, like recently, getting better at running with a measurable thing like mileage.

    I try to be more active in average, even outside exercise - like volunteering to do the housework, walking to the shop instead of taking the car, cooking my own meals, walking around while on the phone..etc

    Basically, I try not to restrict too much or cause myself too much stress while at the same time trying to focus my attention on goals other than weight loss so it doesn't get tedious.
  • soozquu
    soozquu Posts: 66 Member
    I am nearing the end of week two. (Weigh in is tomorrow.) I am really not sure how I did this week. Weeks two to three are always the hardest for me. This last week was really tough. Family in town so lots of eating out. I tried to preplan each meal out. And then as soon as the food was delivered I cut it in half and took that half of my plate. According to the app I didnt eat enough several of the days but I just don't believe it since restaurant food is always higher in calories thsn youd think. And now I am afraid to eat. I think I just really need to get through weigh.in and then go froM there.
  • linzee32
    linzee32 Posts: 86 Member
    soozquu wrote: »
    I am nearing the end of week two. (Weigh in is tomorrow.) I am really not sure how I did this week. Weeks two to three are always the hardest for me. This last week was really tough. Family in town so lots of eating out. I tried to preplan each meal out. And then as soon as the food was delivered I cut it in half and took that half of my plate. According to the app I didnt eat enough several of the days but I just don't believe it since restaurant food is always higher in calories thsn youd think. And now I am afraid to eat. I think I just really need to get through weigh.in and then go froM there.

    Good luck
  • Trishy2012
    Trishy2012 Posts: 6 Member

    I joined the group on Monday and my overall goal would be to lose 150 pounds. I've struggled for years with losing and then gaining it all back again and more besides. I'm an extremely picky eater so that makes it that more challenging for me. I'm not a big meat eater chicken and pork chops and a little ground beef the odd time and I love potato in all forms with French fries being my fave. On top of that I'm a big muncher.... Love my pop, chips, chocolate and anything sweet. I know it's not good for me but how does one give up all they love? When I do that I lose my desire to stay with it :(

    I'd love any ideas for snacks or meals that you enjoy, tips and motivation. I'd love to have some friends on here to help encourage and keep it going.

    Good luck to you all with your goals :)
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Hi! I've lost 155 lbs ish so far. Started at 329 and I've been maintaining in the low 170s for six months. I'm deciding whether I need to lose more, just another 20 lbs or so. For me, controlling portion size was the key, which means weighing food and a lot of planning. In the beginning, it was a lot of stern self control to *only* eat what I had weighed out, and avoid buying food that would send my planning awol!

    I've also found that finding better alternatives has been a big help. For example, instead of potato chips I found a brand of rice snacks that are shaped the same and have a great flavour, but are much better in terms of calories and fat.

    I had to cut way back on chocolate and sugary things, that was probably my biggest challenge, but I'm very determined!

    It took me 2 1/2 years, with a six month break where I actually gained back around 35 lbs (that I had to lose again, damnit!) to wind up 155 lbs lighter than my start weight. I lost weight very quickly at the start, but it slowed down over time.

    In my experience it won't always be easy, but it is worth it!
  • Totalkathy
    Totalkathy Posts: 9 Member
    I started at 537. I've lost 55 pounds. I'm determined. I could use some weight loss buddies.