I'm so confused...

I just thought I would take a moment to rant. Not expecting a definite right or wrong response from anyone...

So far, different "professionals" keep saying different things: such as, "cut breads out completely" or "just cut portions" or "cut fat drastically" to "carbs should be your main source of caloric intake". How the heck is someone supposed to rummage through all the noise and find what's best?

What I'm doing (just counting calories -- mostly -- and staying active) is working. I've lost 9 pounds in a week. But, I'm here for more than just weight loss. I want to get healthy. I want to keep my diabetes at bay. And, I want to prevent my " at-risk" heart disease and lower my cholesterol. But, I keep having too many people tell me different things, and when I research for myself, I still find different "best scenarios"... So, I now have no idea which way to go.

What the heck are you supposed to do to truly find the best and safest route?


  • tattooedmomma93b
    tattooedmomma93b Posts: 101 Member
    Every ones bodies are different. So everyone is going to have a different "this is what works" opinion. Don't stress it! Try different things, you'll find what works for you.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Since you have diabetes, I would go to a registered dietician for advice on setting your individual macros and the timing of your foods, and log and track calories here to maintain a deficit.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I'm with you. All the opinions can make your head spin. I've lost 33 pounds with 10 more to go. For me it was about learning to eat and live in moderation: Weigh and log food; drop my 2 liter a day diet pop habit; exercise 3X a week and get active the other days. I also sleep more than I used to (probably because I'm tired from working out LOL)

    I'm 53 and also wanted a lifestyle change. Diets that restrict certain foods (especially those I like) aren't something I can sustain. Don't get me wrong, I love homemade bread and cheesecake. I still eat them, but once in awhile and I make a point to 'earn' those things through exercise or planning my calories for the day. It's great to know I can still eat what I want and maintain my weight loss.
  • jasonschaef
    jasonschaef Posts: 8 Member
    Keep going! 9 pounds is a great start. You'll figure out what works for you as you go. I think the reason there is so much conflicting information is because the body is complex and it adapts, so there isn't necessarily one best approach. My current hypothesis is that it's simply a matter of calories in vs. calories out. However, some methods of achieving a caloric deficit are easier for me than others. I find that my cravings are much easier to keep at bay if I keep carbs very low and protein and fat make up the bulk of my caloric intake. But I also believe that's just a tool. Fat loss will still happen given the same number of calories with the bulk of them being carbs. If you're looking to stave off diabetes, consider what diabetics are told to eat. It's essentially a low carb diet, which is designed to limit insulin spikes. This will work whether you already have diabetes or not. Good luck!
  • jddnw
    jddnw Posts: 319 Member
    I read a lot of articles for and against different dietary patterns and over time I form my own sense of which sources and writers seem the most credible and appropriate to me.

    Watching the debates on this forum can be informative at times. (Some debates are more constructive than others.)

    I also find sciencebasedmedicine.org has a lot of interesting and credible articles. Specifically see: https://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/category/nutrition/

    For me, I think the Mediterranean dietary pattern strikes a sensible middle ground between low carb-high fat and high carb-low fat.

    Good luck.

  • Rowan63
    Rowan63 Posts: 6
    I just go with Michael Pollan: "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants." where food for me is real food, not processed stuff
  • zmac1018
    zmac1018 Posts: 8
    Wow!!!! 9pds in a week that is awesome what did you do ...I lost 3 I have to lose 150 but I am having a hard time. With the moving around I had a by past done and cancer I can't walk far but I try hard ..I do walk the store but my feet start cramping I would love to know what everyone is eating. I have tryed them all I have all the books so confused...HELP!!! Thanks