How Can I Stop Overeating?

meg7117 Posts: 42 Member
i'm pretty good about exercise and I love me some veggies, but I just am hungry ALL the time. I don't know how to control it because I'll come home and eat all the food I can see and then some. I also eat very fast which probably doesn't help, but I'm always doubled over in pain afterwards and I hate myself for it! If anyone has advice or can relate please post! Also feel free to friend me if you'd like! I'm new here :)


  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    A lot of times hunger is just mental, and once you get over the fear of being hungry if you don't eat at your habitual times it goes away. If not there are other tricks that may work, like changing up your macros.

    I'd start by putting together a reasonable eating schedule based on your own preferences (3 large meals works for me, 3 meals plus a couple of snacks is a common one, some people don't find they are hungry until later in the day, just pick something to try). Make sure you are eating enough--maybe don't try to aggressive a cut to start, especially as you don't seem to have that much to lose--post your calories here if you want advice on whether they seem reasonable. And then just question whether you are really hungry when you start getting that feeling.

    What helped for me when I cut out snacking (which was part of my plan) was to eat raw veggies when I otherwise would be eating unless I stopped thinking I needed to eat then. It actually went away pretty fast.

    I also found it helpful to write down when I felt like eating and what was up--helped me see that it was usually stress or habit or the like, not real hunger.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Are you over restricting yourself? Getting enough protein and fats?
  • meg7117
    meg7117 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks for the help! And yes, I think what I do is try to limit myself too much and then I just give up. But it's usually just so hard for my body to ignore being hungry and then I just end up eating too much. I could definitely increase my protein. I eat a lot of carbs and fats. Planning meals ahead of time is a good idea too!
  • jigglyjessica
    jigglyjessica Posts: 58 Member
    edited March 2015
    try to drink water before you eat and take your time drinking, preparing the meal, and then eating. having some quick & small *not really cooking* meal ideas in the house is helpful if you go to long between meals so you want to just give up and eat whatever is easiest
  • sscrusin90
    maybe its a mind when you know you shouldn't have something...that's all you want to eat...i do the same thing and its only when i'm sucks! ha ha ha
  • Camarose79
    Camarose79 Posts: 86 Member
    Drink water all the time.
  • crispykaz
    Up your intake of protein. Seriously. Protein is what makes you feel full. I would recommend you buy a small tub of protein powder from your health store and have a protein shake daily. You don't have to be going to the gym to have protein :smile:... It sucks because whilst veggies are incredibly healthy, they don't have much protein in them
  • Childfree1991
    Childfree1991 Posts: 145 Member
    Drink lots of water. I drink a glass of water before, during, and after eating. It keeps me full even with a single portion size of food. Also, include high fiber foods in your meals (brown rice, whole wheat pasta, potatoes, dark vegetables, berries, etc).
  • healthy_life2015
    healthy_life2015 Posts: 215 Member
    There are a few things in your post that make me wonder if I have a binge eating disorder. I think a lot of people overeat as a response to restricting themselves, being bored, overthinking things, etc. etc (a million reasons!) but what you are describing sounds like more than that. Eating way past the point of fullness beyond a bit of discomfort does not seem normal (and I have personal experience with this). Pain is not normal.

    I think you should do some research on this and consider talking to someone about this. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to chat.
  • healthy_life2015
    healthy_life2015 Posts: 215 Member
    I see most posters aren't thinking the same thing that I am, so I could be way off base. Have you ever wondered if this is more than overeating and could be an eating disorder? If there is a voice in your head saying that this doesn't feel right then listen to it!
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,246 Member
    For me, meal planning is the key. Decide exactly what you're going to eat for each meal including quantities and put together a schedule. Write it down and post it on the refrigerator. Then try hard not to eat when it's not a scheduled meal or snack time. It's pretty easy to wait if you know you can eat in X amount of hours/minutes. Once you go a few days without overeating, you truly will not be as hungry. Drinking water throughout the day is also very helpful and will keep you fuller.

    Some people find it very helpful to practice mindful eating. With this practice you really concentrate on what you are eating and enjoying the experience, rather than just shoveling food in your mouth with wild abandon (we've all been there).

    Check this out:
  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    What time do you usually exercise? I find that if I exercise in the evening, I'm ready to eat everything in the kitchen by the time I'm done.

    As everyone else has said, drinking a cup of water before a meal and sipping on another throughout your meal will help to fill you up faster... But be warned, if you eat too fast and too much, you will want to puke once you think you're full... I speak from personal experience (several times over). :s
  • meg7117
    meg7117 Posts: 42 Member
    I usually exercise in the evening, so that could totally be it! I definitely want to get smarter about meal planning and just adding more protein to my diet. Regarding binge-eating disorder, I may in fact have that to some extent. I've read that it's a vicious cycle of ups and downs where you're constantly starting over and that's sort of how I feel. Except this time I know is different. I legitimately want this and the way for me to get there is by tackling my biggest issue, which is overeating, head on! I really appreciate all the responses guys! You're all keeping me motivated!