Runner's Success?



  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    So excited that you bit the bullet and signed up for a half!
    My friend asked me in November 2013 if I wanted to run a half marathon with her in May 2014. I thought she was crazy to even ask me because I was def not a runner nor had a runners body. The most I had done was 1 or 2 fun run 5Ks the previous years. But I did it, at 288 lbs I wasn't very fast but I did it. Then I did another one in September and got an even better time.
    This year I have two planned, as well as an 8K and a 10K. If my times are good enough I'm going to consider signing up for a full for 2016.
    Training this time last year I would run/walk on the treadmill averaging a 4.2/3.3 and spent more time walking than running. My average mile time was around 16 minutes, maybe a little less. Since the beginning of this year, I've taken my training a lot more serious and upped my runs/gym time. In January my average mile time for 3 miles was 14:38/mile and now at the end of March I can get a sub 13 min mile. Still slow by mosttt peoples standards but I've lost 30 lbs in the past 9 months and my endurance is much better. My 4.2/3.3 is now a 5.0/4.0 average treadmill speeds and now I run more than I walk.
    Outside of the numbers...I feel better, I sleep better, people ask me to slow down because I don't realize how fast I'm moving, I used to slightly jog a few steps then need to slow down and walk across parking lots because I'd get when it's too cold out I can just run to my car lol, and how strong my legs feel make me want to lift heavy and do more so the rest of me feels just as strong.
    And now I'm antsy for my 7 miler this weekend...
  • IndiaGuerita1983
    IndiaGuerita1983 Posts: 98 Member
    I started my fitness journey weighing in at 265 lbs at 5'2. I started running using the C25k app and I ran my first 1/2 marathon in October of 2014 with a finish time of 2:39. I currently weigh 193 as of this morning. I fell off track for a little while after the 1/2 marathon because I felt like I 'deserved' a break from logging and being careful. My "happy weight" is around 175 so that's what my current goal.
  • positiveenery
    positiveenery Posts: 5 Member
    edited March 2015
    That's awesome!!! :D
    Inspirational story. I signed up for half marathon in May 2015. I'm a slow runner averaging about 11:30 -12 min per mile pace. Hopefully. I can follow your foot step, and able to run 9 minutes per mile some day. I have a long ways to go, but I will work hard towards my goal.
  • mac1time
    mac1time Posts: 27 Member
    I began running last June and I love. I started off just for health reasons but now it's relaxation for me. My journey has taken me from 367 to 230 and running was a huge part. Continued success!
  • SuzySuzerson
    SuzySuzerson Posts: 2 Member
    Love reading these!

    For the past few years I've been a casual runner- I'd run 2.5 miles or so once or twice a week at 12:30 min per mile. I would be pretty beat afterwards, and had a pretty difficult time pushing myself. Around the holidays my dad asked me if I'd run a half marathon with him- it's something we have both been talking about for what feels like forever.

    So at beginning of this year we signed up for a half marathon and that goal was just what I needed! I started training on January 4th and since then I have dropped about 30 lbs and I'm running an average of 10-11 miles per minute- I could not have imagined running a 10 minute mile a year ago. Just that success has made me want to keep going and continue to improve. Strength training has been super helpful- I can tell my core is stronger and that had helped me during long runs.

    I also can't believe how much I love running now.. It's become so therapeutic. I feel more focused and less stressed at work and I sleep so much better. I feel like once I stopped putting pressure on myself and mentally accepted that change doesn't happen overnight or even in a week, that I would have to be patient and keep at it, I was able to just be in the moment and enjoy running.

    I'm SO proud of my dad, who will be 70 this year, for putting so much focus on his health. I can tell he's lost weight and he seems so much happier and relaxed.
  • JustSomeGuy83
    JustSomeGuy83 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm slightly envious. I wish I could get into running but I absolutely hate it.
  • Charliegottheruns
    Charliegottheruns Posts: 286 Member
    I'm saving mine, I'm still waiting for conformation.
  • MDF247
    MDF247 Posts: 64 Member
    I'm still old, slow and chubby but running the past 18 months or so has given me back a lot of tone in my lower body that had slipped away over the past 10-15 years. My core is stronger than it's ever been, somewhere underneath the blubber. Running has allowed me to really enjoy getting out in the woods for long hikes which feel pretty much easy now. I hiked the Grand Canyon from the south rim to the river and back last Thursday in about 8 hours... something I NEVER would have been able to do a couple years ago. Thanks Running!

    Oh yeah, nevermind the fact that I can go run 10 miles whenever I feel like it. That's a pretty great feeling.
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