Band going on tour in August! Time to get in shape!

Hi! My name is brad and in august my band is going on a tour for a few weeks. The main reason why I'd like to get in shape is because there will be a small documentary crew coming aboard to film our trip. The prospects are very exciting, but I want to make sure that I look good on camera. Weight has always been a struggle for me. I've done a decent job at staying at around 240-250 in the last year (I am 6' 2" with a bigger frame), but I'd like to get back to my lowest adult weight (around 215-220). I have had success dieting in the past, but keeping it off has been the real struggle. I'd really appreciate your help in following me through this journey. Any sort of accountability would be awesome! I'll try to post a photo every few weeks to show progress and such.

Oh and if you're wondering, I am the drummer, so I already have a built in cardio workout. I play to use sensible eating and some additional workouts to help me get to my goal.



  • kirstinlee
    kirstinlee Posts: 152 Member
    That's awesome! :) What's your band's name?
    And drums are killer, lol. Tried learning and just couldn't do it cause I felt like I was dying. Would definitely count it as exercise!
  • kickdrum41
    kickdrum41 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks! My band is called Wilderness. We're a little tricky to find since it's a very common word, but we do have. Website and such. We opporate out of bend, OR.
    Yeah, drumming is for sure a lot of exercise. The problem is that the free drink tickets tend to cancel out the good workout. Haha