Fun & Motivational friends apply within!

Jus_gem Posts: 38 Member

I've been on MFP before and stopped tracking. I haven't gained back or gone off track but feel it's time to be a little more dedicated to my fitness. So here I am with a new profile.

I'm 29/ F/ UK - heavier than I look and care more about inches and NSV's than just the scales.

My goal is to strut around in shorts all summer.

If you think we would get on lets be MFP friends.

Looking for new friends to keep motivated and accountable with.

Fitness things I love:
clean eating, not really into low fat substitutes
smooties - with lots of yummy green veg as I struggle to get enough - always after more recipes.
Martial arts, Jujitsu, BJJ, MMA
Running - a fair weather runner
Yoga - I found bikram this year!! Amazing!


  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • maxiemills
    maxiemills Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm Maxine. Been using mfp on and off for a couple of years. I have dieted for most of my life but always put the weight back on.
    I lost about a stone for my wedding in Oct 13 using 2 meal replacements shakes and have managed to keep the weight off until now. I have put on half a stone and it's still creeping up dispute my best efforts/intentions.

    I have loved being slim and being able to wear anything I like so I really need to get back on track which is why I have joined the community.

    I do crossfit 3 times a week, run 5 miles once and week and drink and eat too much every weekend.

    We can do this!
  • Jus_gem
    Jus_gem Posts: 38 Member
    Hi guys, thanks for the post I will be sure to add you =)
  • Kathrynha77
    Kathrynha77 Posts: 103 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've just sent you a friend request.

    I'm also a returning MFP'er.

    37/F/UK and agree that the inches are more important than the scales.

    I'm also in to the clean eating thing. I much prefer proper butter that I know exactly what it contains than low fat spread that's full of chemicals.

    Not really in to exercise, but know I need to be, and do general not mind/almost like it once doing it. Love the outdoors, so hoping that the improving weather will help me get more active.

    My short-term goal is to get into a canoe this summer.

    If anyone else reading this thread wants to friend me, then feel free :)
  • simone_slims_down
    simone_slims_down Posts: 11
    edited March 2015
    Hey I'm Simone 24yo mother of 2 down 29kgs since my boy was born in October I eat 90% clean and count my macros. I exercise almost daily weather it be running, boxing, weighs or just getting the hubby and kids on the bikes. I hold my self accountable with MFP and Instagram feel free to add me on both if you like constant food and motivation spam @simone_slims_down
  • Jus_gem
    Jus_gem Posts: 38 Member
    hey guys thanks for the friend requests.

    Been looking through the forum and found some challenges I might join in. I don't get too driven by the loose X challenge because it happens at a different pace for me. I think that's why I'm more driven by quality and intensity of workout - wondering what I can do next and if the pounds drop - great, if not I feel how much fitter I get.