HELP!! stuck in a boring revolving chicken and fish and vegetable door.New Ideas please( No carbs)

hvacfat Posts: 10 Member
Ive been eating the same thing for a month and a half need some new ideas on meals that are 250 calories or less and not against carbs but dont want alot of them....How many people in this same boat?


  • AnnThereseRN
    AnnThereseRN Posts: 44 Member
    Have you tried chili? You can get lean pork and load it with veggies and lentils. I'm making tacos this week with lettuce wraps instead of tortillas.
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    Vegan protein drink mix (chocolate). Blend with kale and some avocado and 4 ice cubes.
  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ham and bean soup is about 223 cals a big bowl. Super easy and cheap meal! Not low carb but, very high fiber. There is also steak, burgers without buns, omelettes. I am not a low carb person so most of my recipes are not going to help with that.
  • jeshutt
    jeshutt Posts: 19 Member
    If you are low carb-ing, why avoid fatty meats like lamb, pork or beef? If you low-carb and low-fat you are trying to exist on proteins.
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    Chili and soups are great ideas. Here are a few of my favs:

    Sauteed Shredded Brussel sprouts w/onions, Dijon mustard and turkey kielbasa. (Great in crockpot too)

    Black bean w/avacado salad. Black beans, diced tomato, sliced green onions, cilantro, jalepenos, 1/2 tsp each cumin, garlic and onion powder. Add diced avavado and 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar. Yum! Great on salad or with chicken!

    How about turkey meatballs? For 1 20oz package of turkey sausage I use 5 cups spinach, 1 large carrot, 1 bell pepper, 1 med onion, (pulsed to hell in a food processor)an egg and 3/4 cups bread crumbs, tho you can sub in some quinoa. Add oregano, basil, garlic powder, red chile flakes, salt and pepper to taste. Mix together, bake at 350 for 30-35min. Makes 40 meatballs and 5 of them are 170cal. Serve with zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash, in soup...
  • symatthews
    symatthews Posts: 4 Member
    I love hippy bowls. Some people call them nourish bowls or bounty bowls. Super easy and versitile. I don't count veggies (except starches). This recipe does not have any animal meat. But I promise, you will not miss it. These are filling, packed with nutrients, and will stay with you. My husband loves creating these bowls.
    My favorite combo-
    Lots of mixed greens- steamed or raw- kale, collards, spinach, arugula, lettuce varieties, go crazy!
    Any other veggies you may like, the more the marrier. ;)
    Beans/legumes (lentils, turtle/black beans, garbonzo beans, cannelini)
    Steamed or roasted starch veggies- beets or potatoes (if you steam the veggies and then roast them on parcent paper you do not need fat and they are very flavorful)
    Seeds or nuts- always buy raw nuts or seeds and soak them They are easier to digest and have a ton of nutrients
    *optional- if you want additional protein, add roasted tofu or tempeh (organic/non-gmo of course)
    Note- if your still hungry, you need to add more to your bowl.
    Dressing is simple- fresh lemon juice and a light drizzle of oil. Salt/pepper.
    Also- try different flavores salts. I love smoked salt on these salads. Great flavor no added cals. Plus, they provide key minerals needed to replenish from working out. Message me if you have any questions. Xx
  • mynameisoliverqueen
    mynameisoliverqueen Posts: 63 Member
    Turkey seasoned with smoked sea sat, cracked black pepper & thyme is one of my "Go To" recipes or a trimmed piece of sirloin steak or slow roasted/bbq'd brisket.
  • tufztuf
    tufztuf Posts: 21 Member
    I do a "bowl" too, though mine is not vegan or vegetarian. I keep a sort of buffet in my fridge. I have 2-cup and 4-cup Rubbermaid glass storage bowls and have sort of an informal rotation of different meats and veggies at all times. Everything is pre-cooked either when purchased or by me, so I just select which items I want for that meal, put them in a bowl and microwave for about 1.5 min. to heat through. One thing I do to ramp up a boring combination is to add some chopped nuts or shredded cheese, or tamari sauce. Here are the some items I routinely use. Also, it's very cheap eating like this too.

    Store-Roasted chicken - remove skin and chop into large chunks
    Cubed ham
    Beans (I use Black-eyed peas)
    Shredded cheese

    Veggies: I precook all my veggies in the microwave. For example, I fill a 4-cup storage container with frozen mixed veggies and nuke for 5 min. before refrigerating. Then when I'm putting together a meal, it's just a matter of reheating everything. When I finish that container of mixed veggies, I might refill it with broccoli for the next few meals. Or sometimes I have two containers of veggies to choose from.

    Mixed veggies
    Broccoli florets
    Chopped Spinach
    Others, depending on what I'm in the mood for. But the above 3 are my most typical.

    Sprouted bread
    Jasmine rice
    Dry roasted mixed nuts
    Tamari sauce (or soy sauce)

    Sample meals:
    - chicken, mixed veggies with a dash of Tamari sauce
    - Ham, spinach with chopped nuts
    - Ham with a little melted cheese and a vegetable
    - Cheese toast and a vegetable
    - Beans, rice, a little melted cheese and broccoli
    - Rice, mixed veggies and melted cheese with a few nuts

    I usually have a big apple at lunch too. Really big. I count it as two medium apples. I peel with a veg peeler, then core and cut into 8ths.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    By no carbs, do you mean no grains or added sugar?
    Chili, soup or stew
    Stir fry
    Spaghetti squash or spiralized vegetables with a meat/cheese sauce
    Cream of mushroom or broccoli soup and a bed of romain, chopped tomato and onion, topped with sliced sirloin and blue cheese
    Roast turkey with mushroom gravy and mashed cauliflower/turnip/parsip
    polska kielbasa cooked with green beans or cabbage
    Grilled pork chops, fried apples and collard greens
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    I can't consider anything under 250 calories to be a meal. I looked at your diary, and you're not even hitting 1000 calories most days.

    Give yourself a reasonable calorie goal and you can eat more interesting foods. I eat mostly chicken and fish with vegetables, but since I'm eating about 1800 calories a day, I can make with different sauces and marinades and toppings that it's not boring.

  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    ^ YES! Your calorie intake scares me. You should be eating double (or more!) of what your intake currently is. How are you functioning?
  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    jeshutt wrote: »
    If you are low carb-ing, why avoid fatty meats like lamb, pork or beef? If you low-carb and low-fat you are trying to exist on proteins.

    That's not necessarily true. You can have a low carb diet that includes low fat meats without your diet being low fat.

    How? You can chose your fats from other sources, like nuts & seeds, olive oil, avocados, flax.

    To the OP, You can marinate leaner cuts of meat and grill them to slice on top of salads (marinated flank), or substitute ground bison for things like chili and tacos (with lettuce instead of tortillas, as another poster suggested)

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Are you splitting your meals into 6 or more a day? You don't have to, it doesn't make a difference.

    You can just have a steak for lunch, why not.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why are your meals so small OP?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - I checked your diary, why is a 34 year old male only eating 1200 calories a day???

    I am a 35 year old male - granted I lift heavy four days a week and mix in some cardio once a week - but my TDEE is 2750 and I am cutting right now on 2250….

    even at sedentary I would think you could eat 1700 a day and still lose...
  • mmartistry
    mmartistry Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! I always do a mix of veggies with a rotation of turkey meatballs, mahi mahi burger patties, tofu, chicken sausage (varios flavors), chicken, and salmon. I'll do smaller portion of meat and load up on veggies (asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts). It doesn't seem like much, but gets me full. All can be found at trader joes, as long as you find a seasoning you enjoy you won't get bored. I'll do the same veggies over and over, but with a different meat/protein for my weekly lunch. Hope that helped!! :)
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Why not invest in some new spices and try cooking them in a different way? One of my favorite things to do to either chicken or fish is to coat them with Weber Kickin' Chicken spice mix, sprinkle them very lightly with flour, and pan fry. With chicken, you can then put the pan in a hot oven to finish them off so they don't dry out or get burnt on the outside.

    You can also cook the chicken through, then add about half a cup of salsa for each breast, simmer until the chicken is very tender, shred and put on a low-carb wrap.

    Meatloaf can be made low or low-ish carb. I tend to use oatmeal instead of bread crumbs to make mine more nutritious, but you can skip that and just mix as little as possible to keep it light.

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - I checked your diary, why is a 34 year old male only eating 1200 calories a day???

    I am a 35 year old male - granted I lift heavy four days a week and mix in some cardio once a week - but my TDEE is 2750 and I am cutting right now on 2250….

    even at sedentary I would think you could eat 1700 a day and still lose...

    Probably because it's the default setting on MFP. There is so much wrong with that. It needs to be changed.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - I checked your diary, why is a 34 year old male only eating 1200 calories a day???

    I am a 35 year old male - granted I lift heavy four days a week and mix in some cardio once a week - but my TDEE is 2750 and I am cutting right now on 2250….

    even at sedentary I would think you could eat 1700 a day and still lose...

    Probably because it's the default setting on MFP. There is so much wrong with that. It needs to be changed.

    No, that depends entirely on what what you enter in to MFP. However, the OP might be on the short side, and he might have put in to lose 2 pounds per week. That could get him a pretty low recommendation.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - I checked your diary, why is a 34 year old male only eating 1200 calories a day???

    I am a 35 year old male - granted I lift heavy four days a week and mix in some cardio once a week - but my TDEE is 2750 and I am cutting right now on 2250….

    even at sedentary I would think you could eat 1700 a day and still lose...

    Probably because it's the default setting on MFP. There is so much wrong with that. It needs to be changed.

    No, that depends entirely on what what you enter in to MFP. However, the OP might be on the short side, and he might have put in to lose 2 pounds per week. That could get him a pretty low recommendation.

    There are so many people on here who are confused by that recommendation. They eat way less than they should, they don't eat back their calories - I don't know, seems to me there's a lot of harm done by that algorithm.