Not a morning person...

Hi everyone! Does anyone have any advice on how to become a morning workout person? I sleep in as late as I can everyday but I have no time during the evening to work out so I'm wanting to change my routine and work out in the morning. Any advice?


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I am with you. Basically I just suck it up and get my rear end out of bed. I am still not a morning person but I am now in the routine of getting up early (as much as I hate it).
  • lonnie26
    lonnie26 Posts: 10 Member
    Get a dog lol ;) If I didn't have my bloodhound as my workout buddy in the morning I would never go, but because of him and his getting up at 7 every morning to go potty and play I now have the energy and will to get out of bed. For me it's an everyday thing and there is no ignoring it like an alarm clock. I know for every one a dog is not the answer, but my friend who is allergic to animals she has an auto coffee maker and because she hates burned coffee it forces her to get up and get it, once she is up and has had a cup she is good to go. It's just about finding something that works for you.
  • SofiaGuignard
    I get up at 5.30am (6 days a week) to run at the moment and although I don't like dragging myself out of bed at this time (Who does?!) I love the feeling of getting my day off to a good start. :) best thing is just to pull yourself out of bed and get on with it - lay out all your workout gear the night before so you don't have an excuse!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I love early mornings! Honestly, getting up early and going for a run before people are about, is so cool! Plus it sets me up for the day, and I get so much done! ?Try it, it won't take long before your body gets used to it!
  • beckey24
    beckey24 Posts: 170 Member
    I am not a morning person either..however I discovered that once I made myself do it (because I knew I had to or else I wouldn't lose the weight) I find out that it actually wakes me up and leave me feeling refreshed. I find that it gets me up and going and I am ready to start my day. I even do it on the weekends(just not as early).

    I think the key to this journey is to change your mindset. Think of how much better this will make you feel instead of how much you wish you were sleeping in! Best of luck to you!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    About 12 years ago, I decided I was going to get into the morning exercise routine. I was a night owl, but the problem was that my job was getting more demanding, and I would come home tired, plop down in front of the television, and not exercise. Or, I would exercise late and couldn't sleep. The only foolproof way to get it in was to get up in the morning. I read that it takes about 6 weeks to get used to it, so I figured, "This is going to suck for 6 weeks." I accepted that, and did things to make it easier to get up and go. I put my workout clothes together the night before. I told myself how nice it was to only have to take one shower a day, and not worry about makeup, etc., and how much time I was saving. Finally, every morning when that blasted alarm went off, I asked myself, "Did I want to be fit or fat today?" Now, I wake up without an alarm nearly every day, and jump out of bed and exercise. I've done that for 12 years (with a slight break after my son was born, then I tried afternoons for awhile, but now am back to am). Like "melsinct" said: I just sucked it up and got it over with. I much prefer am exercise now.
  • katrina1122
    katrina1122 Posts: 23
    I can't do, just can't make myself get up and I'm tired from all day.

    Instead I sleep as usual and do stretching, squats, etc during the day at my desk, so when I head to the gym I don't have to spend as long in the evening.

    good luck waking up...many people do it!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I've talked to my doctor about this. You CAN'T change your internal wiring so to speak. You were built a certain way, and your body clock operates a particular way. Don't fight it. I find days where I have to get up really early (let's say while it's still dark out to fly out for a business trip) it messes up my whole day.

    I prefer to workout at night because I find if you workout between 4-7pm you sleep better at night (this has been proven in many studies). Don't fight your natural body clock, trust me!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I never got used to it. It didn't matter whether I went to bed at 9pm or 1am getting up at 5am left me exhausted all day. I did that for 5 years. I used to go to the gym on my days off and just walk for exercise on days I worked.
  • Niceven
    Niceven Posts: 25 Member
    I'm struggling with it right now. I've been doing morning work outs for three weeks. I set my alarm for 4:45am and I'm at the gym by 5:05. I get an hour in then drag my sleepy butt back home. I live with my sister so we have to stagger showers. On the days she showers first, I just go back to sleep! I, too, have noticed that if I don't work out in the morning then by the time I get home I'm too exhausted to work out and end up skipping it. Instead, I just end up napping during the at my desk! Seriously.

    It came down to; do I want to get in shape now or die fat? Guess which one I picked. On top of that, I have sleep apnea because I'm too big and the one and only "cure" for sleep apnea (certain kinds anyway, I have the one that's affected by weight,) is to lose weight. Ergo, lose weight, get better sleep. Then getting up at 4:45 every morning won't be such a chore...hopefully!

    One person said get a dog...well make sure it's not a weird one like mine, he's NOT a morning puppy. Cracks me up.
    NBFIT Posts: 79
    I never got used to it. It didn't matter whether I went to bed at 9pm or 1am getting up at 5am left me exhausted all day. I did that for 5 years. I used to go to the gym on my days off and just walk for exercise on days I worked.

    I'm the same way! I would have to get up at 5am to exercise. For me, that's the only way to "guarantee" exercise time some days, but I just can't do it. It also leaves me exhausted all day long & I don't have the energy to "bring it" like I would in the afternoon/evening. I'd love to be able to get up & get it done. But I can't seem to do it.
  • Jreel1021
    Jreel1021 Posts: 3 Member
    I am not much of a morning person either, but I am more than willing to get up with you a couple days a week and do it! I would love to run that 5K with you in July!! I can't get a run in otherwise sooooo...let's do it!! Tomorrow!!! 6 AM. Meet at the track. We can do this togethter!!! I love you Peanut!!