Need support from someone with similar challenges.

Is there anyone on here that needs to lose a substantial amount of weight (I need to lose close to 80lbs) that would like to chat once a day.... talk about how our days went, what our goals are/how they're changing, successful, unsuccessful... I really need some help to get through some of my default habits.

I over eat, I binge, I go nuts on sweets... I am diabetic, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, plantar faciitis and several other chronic issues that cause serious fatigue, sinus issues, headaches and nausea. "Working out" is not possible for me, but light exercise is. I walk a good deal when the weather allows and swim when I can (limited pool hours and the heater has been broken for a couple of weeks- too cold for that! LOL). I absolutely cannot run, use the elliptical, do anything that involves a jumping or jarring motion, lift weights of any size repetitively. I can use the stationary bike in very limited amounts, but that motion can really mess with my hips and knees.

Anyone out there have some similar struggles, but need to get their health under control??


  • jgreeneyes23
    jgreeneyes23 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there! I would love to have a fitness pal to check in with every day. I'm 41 and I have about 100 lbs to lose. I have high blood pressure and often get headaches. I'm so ready to do this! You can do it too! Add me and we can start today! :) - Jen
  • AJC19706
    AJC19706 Posts: 5
    edited March 2015
    Hi, I have chronic health issues too (chronic asthma, steroid dependant, hypothyroidism, a pain med pump in abdomen, vagus nerve stimulator in upper chest/neck, 27 rods in spine to fix 37 degree curve, and rod in left femur from low energy break), so yes I can sympathize with people's pain.
    I can't exercise as I'd like to either, just walking and light cardio/low impact right now.
    I need to lose 30-50 lbs according to doctor, so just losing 10 and gaining it back slowly really depressed me, but I'm trying again!

    If anyone wants to rant or celebrate a win, feel free to say hello!
    - Anthony
  • Hello - I have hypothyroidism, loosening weight is not been easy. I look for a support group and ideas on how to loose weight.
  • AJC19706
    AJC19706 Posts: 5
    Did anyone else lose several pounds then gain it right back? I've been here a month and lost 7, gained 8, lost 2....the gain/lose does stop, right?

    Tell me it stops! lol
  • dannicaburson
    dannicaburson Posts: 7 Member
    some fluctuation is normal! Are you consistently drinking a lot of water? I know if I drink a lot I lose, but if I stop, I gain it right back.
  • af_wife2004
    af_wife2004 Posts: 149 Member
    For the "default habit" like over- and binge-eating, have you considered looking into Overeaters Anonymous for a local support group? I also have autoimmune disorders and plantar fasciitis (PF) so I understand the pain of working out. From lack of physical activity, my major muscles because EXTREMELY week and the fatigue was even worse. My physician ordered physical therapy 3 times a week for PF and general lower body weakness. I did PT for three months and now I'm able to workout on my own and have energy to keep up w/my daughter. I still get fatigued, my PF still flares, and there are some days I just hurt, but overall on the days I work out I feel so much better. Even in the beginning when I was so physically week. Working with PT is so much different than a gym trainer. One's goal is to help you heal, while the other's goal seems to be to push you to the max.

    I also used to help calculate my calories and macros. I found the recommendation from that site was almost identical to the goals set by my nutritionist.