New Here

Hi, I'm Brandy. 35, stay at home mom to three girls, 5,2, and 1. I'm still working on losing baby weight (plus extra weight lol).

I do need encouragement and support. My doctor has decided to help me on my journey. He has started me on Belviq and recommends surgery. But I would like to try on my own again.

I love my Walk Away workouts and I try to walk 4 miles a day but my downfall is my pesky sweet tooth.

I look forward to meeting new people and find support with others like me.


  • jimmi448
    jimmi448 Posts: 4 Member
    welcome! Im in the same boat - 3 kids, part time work (that I bring my kids with me) - trying to walk 15000 steps a day :)
  • BinkyLink
    Nice to meet you. Maybe we can encourage each other.