Back on track?

time4jenn Posts: 35 Member
edited March 2015 in Introduce Yourself
I am a 40 year old female, I have always struggled with my weight but find it even harder now to lose anything! I used to be on MFP and it helped me to focus on what I was putting in my mouth- I stopped tracking and did well for the past year (or so I thought) lol
I am back and I am looking to lose 25 pounds and hopefully a good handful by August- please feel free to add me so we can keep each other motivated and accountable! I joined the Vancouver SunRun this year so I forced myself to complete it- I am really excited!


  • Preciouspony21
    That sounds so much like my story. I'm 43 and I have always struggled. Now it's time to get on track for the last time! Add me for some support.