Attitude of Gratitude

I'm a believer in attitude of gratitude. When our family sits down for dinner, we appreciate someone at the table and then say one thing we are grateful for (why save it just for Thanksgiving?). Tonight, I told my family I was grateful for the support I'm feeling here on MFP. So, what are you grateful for today?


  • prissypen
    Love that you share your grateful attitude with your family! Today I am grateful for the freedom of choice. Choosing what to put in my body to nourish it. Choosing how to move my body and energize it. Choosing to add education and learning back into my life after a 20 year career. Choosing to love people up even when they are not coming across as loving. Yup, today I'm grateful for choice! :)
  • mom4tav
    mom4tav Posts: 21 Member
    what?! nobody is feeling grateful?! lol

    Prissypen, I love your response! Definitely something to be grateful for... :)

    Today I'm grateful for friends.. Yesterday I blogged about how I am a people person and need to feel connected, but because of my weight I've been in hiding. Today, a friend I hadn't seen in awhile texted and we are meeting up for some girl time.
  • maryliscious
    maryliscious Posts: 25 Member
    I'm grateful for my super supportive husband. He has helped make this lifestyle change bearable. He ate healthy just because I did. He would even come out on some runs with me. He listens to all the gripes and puts up with my little spouts of hunger anger lol. I wouldn't have made it this far without him. I could go on with more that he's done, but I'd fill up the wall.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I'm grateful that God has put 3 amazing trainers in my life. That I have been able to afford to work with my current trainer for over a year now.

    I'm grateful that even as I am struggling to improve myself, I am still motivating women to continue their journey.
  • mom4tav
    mom4tav Posts: 21 Member
    Today I am grateful to have completed my first week of goals here on MFP, which included logging in all my food. I've lost 6 lbs! I'm grateful for the body I have now, because it is strong and beautiful and getting more so every day! :)
  • Kayd_Kayd
    Kayd_Kayd Posts: 9 Member
    Great thread. Today I am grateful for my life. There is no guarantee how long we will be here and today I am grateful just to be alive.
  • MamaJ1974
    MamaJ1974 Posts: 443 Member
    I'm grateful for my health and the health of my family! And doing what I can to make sure we all stay healthy as well.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I am grateful that I have access to scientific journals like ncbi and nlm and the education necessary to track down solutions to all my medical problems, even when my doctors don't seem interested. I am also grateful that I have one doctor right now who listens to me and is willing to experiment with the things I've discovered to see if they help me - even though I am sometimes proven wrong.
  • mom4tav
    mom4tav Posts: 21 Member
    Today I am grateful for my strong legs. I've started walking again..trying to get in 30 minutes a day and I've noticed that my edema in my legs has already begun to improve!
  • mom4tav
    mom4tav Posts: 21 Member
    I thought I had given up here on MFP...went mia for several months, but today I'm grateful to be back 15 days in a row. I'm also grateful to have found a program that works for me and because of it, I've lost over 20lbs!!

    What are you grateful for today? :)
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Today I'm grateful for all my friends who are giving me feedback on my resume. I hate writing it, and, weirdly, it really helps to show it to people and get their comments.