Suggestions for Light exercises after knee surgery?

I had surgery to fix a tear in my meniscus on Thursday last week. I've been walking around home, and navigating some stairs. Figured I might try a light work out at the gym -- most just some weight training, but wondered if anyone had a similar surgery and when they were able to start adding some cardio back to their routine?

I will be following up with the doc, however, thought that some like cycling might be ok?


  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Until you see your doctor again don't do more than just light walking. It takes several weeks to repair the muscle and the last thing you want to do is injure yourself and cause even more delay getting back to your normal routine. If you feel you must do some weight training do upper body only for now. Get clearance from your doctor first.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I agree with the previous poster. Check with your doctor and let your knee heal.

    I had surgery for torn meniscus last summer. My doctor wouldn't let me do anything for several weeks afterward. Are you scheduled for physical therapy? The people there will give you guidance on what you can do and what you can't. After four weeks of PT, I was allowed to cycle, but only for 10 minutes at first. I had to gradually build up to 30-40 min. before he would even consider letting me go to my usual spin classes.

    Take care and rest your knee. It might feel pretty good right now, but it does need to heal!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I agree with the others here . . . no cycling or anything until you get clearance from your doctor. I would suggest some laps at the pool to start, but again get clearance first.
    After my knee surgery I had a long wait to resume "normal" exercise . . . and unfortunately cycling still bothers my knee so I have not been able to resume this activity at all . . . I know it is frustrating but take your time, you will thank yourself down the road.
  • oxyjenic
    oxyjenic Posts: 18
    I had the same surgery, and the recumbent bike was part of my post surgery PT. I would definitely check with the doctor first, though. I can't remember how soon after surgery I started the PT. I do know the bike was the one exercise that really made the muscles around my knee get stronger and it just FELT good.
  • christina_theresa
    christina_theresa Posts: 290 Member
    I do water aerobics and a lot of the ladies in the classes are recovering from knee surgery.
  • Green_Eyed_Girl88
    Green_Eyed_Girl88 Posts: 73 Member
    I had ACL reconstuctive surgery at the end of march and started PT the very next day. I wasnt allowed to do anything other than what my therapist cleared me to do each week. I wasnt allowed any cycling until about 2 weeks ago. At first I wasnt even allowed to go completely around on the bike, I had to gently push back and forth first. The rest of the exercises included a lot of stretching, bending and straightening of the knee. I would only do what you are cleared to do (as far as your legs go) so that you dont risk hurting yourself further. You can still do all upper body workouts (I lifted dunbells A LOT) and you can do a modified crunch for the abs. Just doing that and continuing a very strict diet I was still losing weight steadily :) Good luck and I pray for a speedy recovery :)