Holiday in 4 months. Would like to lose 2 stone :)

Hi All

Well everytime I've tried to diet I've failed so I've set myself a challenge :). I'm not going to go near the scales for 4 months, just going to try my hardest to stick to my 1200 cal diet on here. I've got PCOS and find it so hard to lose any weight being only 5ft tall. I'm fairly on the go all the time, have 3 children that I run around after and a pony & 2 dogs to look after too. Everytime in the past I've tried hard, then got on the scales after a week to find I've either stayed the same or lost a IB! So I'm not doing it this time and am going to strictly calorie count the best I can. Really like the look of this APP so hope it works for me. Does anyone think trying to lose 2 stone in 4 months is impossible?


  • nanaoftwo0614
    nanaoftwo0614 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Joanna, Welcome to MFP!! I am also 5 ft tall and as you know, 5 lbs looks like 50 on our frame. MFP is awesome. It lets you see how much you are eating and helps you make better choices. I have to be careful eating carbs. Even if I'm counting calories and stay within my limit, too many carbs will stop my weight loss. I weigh once a week because it lets me see if I'm eating enough but can still lose weight or if I'm eating too much of a certain food and need to cut back. Be careful with the 1200 calories a day. Thats not alot and you could find yourself hungry and eating more. I'm eating 1410 and I'm not hungry, and some days I don't eat all the calories. Put in all you info on MFP and it will give you the amount of calories you need to lose the weight. Also, I think you should weigh at least once a week so you can see if you need to make any adjustments to your eating plan. Of course, your clothes will feel looser if your doing ok. I don't know if your goal is doable, that would be better answered by some of the experts on here. There is so much motivation and support on MFP. You will get straight up and honest answers from the members here. That's the support I need. Best of luck and add me if you want.
  • joannaharvey
    joannaharvey Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, thank you for replying. I didn't think to carefully watch my carbs so will take note of that :). I just know each time I weigh myself & I know I've tried so hard & my weight doesn't come down I get disappointed & start going down the slippery slop! I'm aiming for 2 stone in 4 months but I won't be disappointed if I've lost a good stone & a few pounds. Just want to feel a bit better & fitter for my holiday and of course get in some summer clothes :). I'll have to try & find on here where it can work out how many calories to eat etc. I'm 11.9stone at the mo. Think my ideal is around 8.5-9stone but that's a long way off.
  • finn2005
    finn2005 Posts: 2
    Hi I decided to try this as I became obsessed with jumping on and off the scales everyday , so New Year's Eve I got rid of the scales and decided to diet without weighing , it has been much better as I have no idea how much I weigh , it worries me more so I tend to eat healthy most of the time and make better choices, I have had probably 7 bad days since then. I have nearly completed week 2 of t25 with ought having a heart attack which is good , and like u my holiday is my inspiration after all it's only being good till 24th of July , the thought of being massive on holiday is awful . I must say I did this last year lost 3 stone went on holiday and carried on eating like a little piggy till New Year's Eve now doing it again , maybe it's just my way lol , good luck u can do it x
  • finn2005
    finn2005 Posts: 2
    Btw I am sticking to slimming world plan as its so easy and never hungry x
  • joannaharvey
    joannaharvey Posts: 11 Member
    Oh that's really funny I go on holiday on the 25th July :). I think what will be my struggle is every Saturday night we have a treat night & get a takeaway in with chocolate after :(. I know I've got to exclude myself for the next 4 months if I'm to give this a good go! Weight watchers chicken curry here I come lol & work hard that day to give myself a small bag of chocolate buttons I think is the way to go