Birthday Party

Today is my son's birthday party and I made an ice cream cake which is his favorite (and mine too ). There will also be pizza and lots of other things I really like :cry: how am I ever get through this day without ruining everything I have worked so hard for the past few weeks?
There will also be lots of fresh fruit and veggies....which I am planning on eating.... just hope I can stick to it!
Any suggestions?


  • martiboy
    Today is my son's birthday party and I made an ice cream cake which is his favorite (and mine too ). There will also be pizza and lots of other things I really like :cry: how am I ever get through this day without ruining everything I have worked so hard for the past few weeks?
    There will also be lots of fresh fruit and veggies....which I am planning on eating.... just hope I can stick to it!
    Any suggestions?
  • jdonahue
    jdonahue Posts: 41 Member
    Pizza is totally my downfall, actually, so is ice cream :tongue:

    I would really try to fill up on the veggies first. (don't forget to eat a good breakfast too so you're not hungry at the party).
  • bricker06
    bricker06 Posts: 316
    fill up on fruits and veggies and a salad if you can then treat yourself to one slice of pizza, if youll be able to stop at one. thats the key. have everything in moderation, just stick to the dicipline. as for the cake well maybe have half a piece. and do an extra workout, then you can have some bad cals without having to feel so bad. also if icecream cake is your favorite maybe for your bday you can make the homemade healthier version.

    24 low fat , low sugar, or fat free if possible ice cream sandwiches
    1 tub fat free cool whip
    fat free, sugar free caramel topping (if you can find sugar free) or chocolate
    your favorite nuts

    layer 9x13 pan with 12 sandwiches, spread a layer of cool whip, drizzle caramel or chocolate, sprinkle nuts, and repeat. there will be 2 layers. put in freezer until ready to serve. and long enough for the whip topping to become solid again. MMMMMMMMMMGGGGGOOOOOODDDDDDDD:laugh: :laugh:
  • newstart
    Give yourself a break today , enjoy the day and remember a very important key word "Moderation" if you allow yourself a sliver of ice cream cake you will be less tempted to cheat later..
    Fruits and veggies but be carefull fruits can start adding calories as well.
    Drink water instead, allow for the extra cals today and if you have time, do a work out to brun some calories. It could be walking up and down stairs quickly 10x in a row , many times during the day if you can`t make time for a proper work out.
    If you can`t , then don`t be hard on yourself and kick butt tomorrow. After all it is your son`s special day and the emphasis(sp?) should be on everyone having a good time for this one day..:drinker:
  • twink3110
    Newstart said it all...........................very good advice. I find on these special occasions if I allow myself, and plan on allowing myself, to indulge in a small piece of cake and a slice of pizza its not the big deal as if I was trying to completely obstain. That way I know I can have a piece when I'm ready and its not on my mind thru the whole deal. It frees me to be able to enjoy the day and not dwell so heavily on what I can't do or have!! Enjoy the Birthday and try not to dwell on what you can't eat but rather on having fun with people and the small indulgence thats there if you care to have it.
  • martiboy
    It's over now and I had 2 little squares of pizza, 1/2 piece of ice cream cake, some grapes, snap peas, a couple crackers and 1 slice of cheese, oh yeah and about 20 chocolate m&m's. I also went running this morning so after loggin everything I am over by about 150 calories. My five week forecast went up 9 lbs from yesterday :cry: But it could have been a lot worse - I could have eating 10 of those little squares no
    Thank you all for your support!!!!