Looking for friends that also need to lose 100+ pounds! :)



  • ShellieGetsFit
    ShellieGetsFit Posts: 25 Member
    Wishing you and all others all the best! Am on the same path and also looking for Pals. Having support and others motivate you makes a lot difference. We can do this! :)
  • owlymole
    owlymole Posts: 3
    Hello! I'm 34, 5'5" and close to 240 and going for 150-160. It's not quite 100 but it's close and I'd love more supportive friends on my journey, so add me if you like! Megan
  • joanne_davies73
    joanne_davies73 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all. I'm Jo. 42yrs old, 5' 4" and weigh 290 lbs. I am at my heaviest now and would love to lose around 100 lbs. Help would be great :)
  • CapnJack0
    CapnJack0 Posts: 5 Member
    Anybody feel free to add me. Always looking for motivation. I started out at 320 pounds, and currently sit at 280. I lost 25 pounds before I ever started tracking with "dieting." I got sick of not being able to eat what I wanted so I sort of gave up. Now I'm eating what I want and just tracking and weighing everything. My goal is 195. I will make it.
  • rinksgal
    rinksgal Posts: 4 Member
    Add me too!!
  • CindyRoseMarie
    CindyRoseMarie Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 58 years old, 5'3" and 240 lbs. My goal is to get down to 138-140. I too could really use a motivational cheering squad. Please add me to your MFP list. :)
  • CindyRoseMarie
    CindyRoseMarie Posts: 28 Member
    Just want to add some words of encouragement. I am not sure if I would of classified myself as a food addict but I was/am an emotional eater who would frequently binge on gross amounts of food. I started on MFP 335 days ago after having lost a little weight on my own through increased activity at work. It was enough to get me started or at least thinking about getting my life back. I did not own a scale as I had refused to step on one through most my adult life unless standing in the Dr.s office. My first weigh in was in Walmart about 2-3 weeks into this journey on MFP and came in at 306 pounds. By estimates at my heaviest I was probably 250 pounds at my heaviest. I continued to go to Walmart for the next few weeks to step on the scales and when I saw I was actually making progress I bought a scale for home.
    Last week I weighed in at 175 pounds 14.7% body fat and I have 5 pounds to go to my revised goal weight. I will probably revise my goal weight again over the next week or two based on body fat composition. My goal is about 10%.

    A things I have learned over the past 10 months

    1) MFP is a great resource but find what works for you. Everyone is different and battles different demons. What worked for me may not work for others.
    2) Make it sustainable. This is a lifestyle you need to maintain the rest of your life.
    3) Inspiration comes from others, Motivation comes from within.
    4) Nothing motivates more than success

    I found certain motivational quotes helped me. One that has kept me going
    "Success is not a result of spontaneous combustion, You must set yourself of fire"

    Good luck, be strong and make it sustainable

    That should read 350 pounds at my heaviest. Was early and still trying to wake up when I typed all that up

    What great words of encouragement. The things you have learned are things I will aspire to.
  • andrsngirls
    andrsngirls Posts: 3 Member
    Would love to be added plus add others to mine also, such a daily struggle with my weight loss need extra food ideas plus motivation!!!
  • tamatha222
    tamatha222 Posts: 1 Member
    Also looking to lose 100 lbs, need motivators. Please add. Thanks
  • Hello Everyone, I am 32 and after 2 children I am 265.2 lbs. I need encouragement as I start my weight loss journey. Ideally I would like to 80-100 lbs. I would love to connect with some like minded people.
  • Hey there, I am a 40 yr old guy looking to lose weight also. Had success with Weight Watchers, but fell off the wagon after a vacation to Mexico. Need to lose at least 30 lbs to start. Would love to friend you (and others). Just stay focused, and confident. We can all do this together!
  • NicoleMKlein
    NicoleMKlein Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I am 35 years old trying to lose around 100 pounds. I am down 25.6 pounds now, love motivation and support.
  • Midnitefyrfly
    Midnitefyrfly Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! Please feel free to add me also! I'm 34, 5'2" and am currently at 274.6 lbs. My goal is to lose at least 100 lbs and have a healthier lifestyle. I would love to have friends for motivation, encouragement, and meal ideas. Good luck to everyone on their weight loss journey!
  • 1triciakae
    1triciakae Posts: 41 Member
    Add me I am 28 years old I am 5'8 I started at 324 in octoberish. My highest was 347, right now I am at 288. I need to loose more than 100 pounds still. My ideal weight would be 150. Some day I will make it there.
  • Hello I'm 5'7 and weigh 240 looking to lose 100 lbs. love motivation & support! Add me!
  • traceyd81
    traceyd81 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a 34yo mum of 3, from beautiful New Zealand. Need to lose 50kgs (110lbs) before we make another baby! 1.5 weeks in, 3.8kgs down! Add me and let's keep each other on track :-)
  • tonihunter945
    tonihunter945 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello! I'm not sure what it is, but now more than ever I am feeling so motivated to get healthy! I am currently 23, 5'4" and 267 pounds and would eventually like to be about 160. I am battling a food addiction and trying to take back my health. I would love to connect with others who would want to motivate each other and lose 100+ pounds!

  • tonihunter945
    tonihunter945 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I'm 5'6 weight 275 pounds. So I need help too!
  • elloseit
    elloseit Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm new. I'm 22 and would like to lose 120/104lbs. I could use some friends and motivation!