Going over sugar for the day

jhoffman27 Posts: 55 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
What happens whenever I go over my allowed sugar for the day, is it really that bad?


  • KimWar110
    KimWar110 Posts: 3
    Good question, but I do quite often as well, but I am also well under my calorie intake!
  • aimee0515
    aimee0515 Posts: 67
    It depends on what kind of sugar it is. If it's because you are eating a lot of fruit, it's not as big of a deal as if it is refined and processed sugar. I usually go over my sugar because I make a fruit/veggie smoothie and I need to put a lot of fruit in it to mask the taste of the veggies (I HATE veggies but know I need to get them in). I do, however, make this my first or second meal to make sure my body has enough time to burn it off. I try to avoid as much sugar as possible after lunch. Hope this helps.
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I had the same problem when I first started out. I would get so frustrated. I remedied the problem by tracking Carbs instead of sugars. Now, I may go over on sugars, but I don't know it. :P
  • meganmac21
    meganmac21 Posts: 21 Member
    I was having a similar problem and it was slowing down my weight loss. So, I did some research and realized that I was eating wayyy too many servings of fruit. I've swapped out some of the fruit for vegetables and so far it's solved my problem with sugar.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I go over but what it has done is make more more conscience of it. I view this as a lifestyle change. I want to improve my eating for life. Veggies are good for you. Figure out a way to get them in beside smoothies. At the end of the day too much of anything isn't good for you. Explore different ways of preparing veggies until you find something you like that stays within your limits. many of us tend to prefer sugary taste because our palettes have been reared on fast foods and processed foods that are full of salt and sugar. It's a relearning process.
  • allisong83
    allisong83 Posts: 11
    I make my own entries for fruit that do not include the sugar so it helps maintain my daily goal.
  • aimee0515
    aimee0515 Posts: 67
    I go over but what it has done is make more more conscience of it. I view this as a lifestyle change. I want to improve my eating for life. Veggies are good for you. Figure out a way to get them in beside smoothies. At the end of the day too much of anything isn't good for you. Explore different ways of preparing veggies until you find something you like that stays within your limits. many of us tend to prefer sugary taste because our palettes have been reared on fast foods and processed foods that are full of salt and sugar. It's a relearning process.

    I have tried veggies every way. There are a few I like...but I was choking them down to get my allotment and I refuse to live that way. I have competed before where I have completely cut fruit out of my diet and I know what sugar does to my body. A woman that is as active as me can have up to 5 servings of fruits a day...I am not eating that much. This is a great site for ALL people...especially those that have no education on nutrition. But all the numbers they give you are not set in stone. I had to revamp my protein, etc. because they were telling me to eat WAY too low on that. If I eat a smoothie a day, I never am under my recommendation of potassium, fiber, vitamin c, vitamin a, or calcium. And I'm pretty sure I'm meeting most of my b vitamins as well...but they don't track that on here.
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