Gaining weight after being anorexic?

Hey, I have been under eating for so long now and in a way still want to lose more weight because I still see myself as fat although I'm underweight (Not by much my BMI is 17.5 but it really doesn't suite me) Everyone mistakes me for a 12 year old. Although I have always looked younger than my real age I really do look younger than ever & My face is just so tired looking. My face is too thin it makes me look so ugly.
Today has probably been the first day I have felt completely relaxed about what I eat & I felt like my old self, I Haven't been counting calories today just been listening to my body. Is that the best way to gain weight? I dont exercse much anymore either. I really want to gain healthy weight as I want to look older. Please help


  • benjam2421
    benjam2421 Posts: 24 Member
    i wouldn't pay that much attention to bmi i am apparently obese yet i run 5 days a week
    there's tons of info on your situation and many have been in it
    you can also ask a doctor also its nothing to be ashamed about everybody has there problems
  • nadiahappy12
    benjam2421 wrote: »
    i wouldn't pay that much attention to bmi i am apparently obese yet i run 5 days a week
    there's tons of info on your situation and many have been in it
    you can also ask a doctor also its nothing to be ashamed about everybody has there problems
    Well I look underweight

  • nadiahappy12
    If I eat more & do this every night should I gain weight?
  • Cassie_DE
    Cassie_DE Posts: 58 Member
    Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and can't speak for anything but random stuff I've read on the internet and my own very limited experience. You SHOULD probably talk to a doctor about this stuff and take everything I say with the understanding that I have no professional knowledge to back it up.

    You may successfully put on muscle weight but it depends very, very much on how much you eat and whether you're getting enough protein. Diet is 80% of weight gain/loss. You can exercise all you want, but if you aren't both eating enough to off-set calories burned and provide your body with the building blocks for all those fine muscles you should be growing. So basically:

    1) Exercise, but eat enough to both regain the calories you've lost and to help build your body back up to health (and firm curves!). Maybe start small by just eating more so you get into the habit of giving your body what it needs before adding exercise?
    2) Try and make sure you're eating lots of protein to help your body rebuild.

    If you're looking tired, then you can probably improve the condition of your skin and hair by eating healthy fats like olive oil, nuts, and 'fatty' fish like salmon or tuna, and by drinking lots of water. Try carrying around a reusable water bottle! Good luck!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited April 2015
    OP eating disorders are usually symptoms of being unable to regulate emotions through no fault of your own. You're entitled to get help, and that means reaching out to a professional. It's very solvable and the sooner you do it the easier your future will be. It is very common, but the food part of things is only part of the solution.
    Bear in mind though, that once you start eating more, your brain chemistry will change and you will perceive yourself in a more favourable light. It gets better but only if you get the right help.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    OP eating disorders are usually symptoms of being unable to regulate emotions through no fault of your own. You're entitled to get help, and that means reaching out to a professional. It's very solvable and the sooner you do it the easier your future will be. It is very common, but the food part of things is only part of the solution.
    Bear in mind though, that once you start eating more, your brain chemistry will change and you will perceive yourself in a more favourable light. It gets better but only if you get the right help.

    OP this is the only thing that needs to be said. An ED is not something we can deal with on this forum. Good luck to you in finding your way to a healthy life.
  • charliebitesback
    charliebitesback Posts: 18 Member
    My best advice to give you is to just keep pushing through. Recovering is an incredibly slow process. I stopped gaining at about a bmi of 18, and m doctors liked that weight on me, but I took the initiative to keep gaining. I eat around 6-7 meals a day now and I try to keep my protein intake high.