Starting Atkins Induction today!

Rachelsdream Posts: 4
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone,

My name is Rachel and I will be starting the Atkins Induction today. I want to lose 20 pounds to get into a certain "red dress". Anyone out there on Atkins? If so, would love to chat.

Be blessed everyone ...and I know we can do it!

Rachel :)


  • Deedee0075
    Deedee0075 Posts: 78 Member
    Best of luck to you during induction!! I've been there several times - it's very important to watch all carb intake - chewing gum, condiments - they have carbs. Add up everything - including cheese since you should not go over 20 grams of carbs per day. If you can, buy Ketostix to test your ketosis levels.

    Oh, and be mentally prepared for it. Being ready makes a huge difference.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    every thing she said, and don't be suprised if you feel crappy a few days its just your body chemstry revamping so to speak, it will pass then you SHOULD feel great.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I am curious......Why do a gimmick diet that will have you gain back the weight as soon as you stop when you could just watch your calories, exercise, and lose weight and keep it off?
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Studies show that high protein diets can have an adverse effect on the kidneys. Be careful, there is a possibility of organ damage.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am curious......Why do a gimmick diet that will have you gain back the weight as soon as you stop when you could just watch your calories, exercise, and lose weight and keep it off?

    I second that.
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Your kidneys will get injured doing Atkins. Be careful, it's very harmful to your internal organs and no doctor would ever suggest it. Don't do it!

    Much agreed I did it ONCE when in college till I got into health and nutrition and my kickboxing instructor told us all the damage that it inflicts on you internally. I mean geesh your brain runs on carbs. I learned real quick not to do that. It will take weight off but you truly are harming yourself in a long run. I seriously would advise doing some more research before doing that to your body. Good luck regardless.:smile:
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    Good luck to you! Our bodies were designed to eat this way (hunter & gatherer) and in no time you will feel all the benefits of your hard work.
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    You will find that many people do not agree with Atkins or any other very low carb diet. Just shake it off. If low carb works for you, go for it. Just know that for the weight to STAY off, you have to commit to a permanent low carb lifestyle. Otherwise, the weight WILL come back. I am speaking from experience. Give it a shot. It might be the answer to yor prayers. Just KNOW that you will never be able to go back to eating bread, etc when ever you feel like it. There is a maintenance plan, and if you stick with it the weight will stay off. I never stuck to it forever, and as soon as I went back to eating carbs again, the weight came RIGHT back. Good luck to you. :wink:
  • So, from this experienced user is the below quote... Are you willing to commit to NEVER eating carbs again? NEVER a piece of wedding cake? NEVER a pancake? NEVER a piece of fresh bread? NEVER a plate of pasta?

    Atkins is a 'diet', and it DOES NOT work. Eat well, work out hard, and over a long process, you will get fit. It's the ONLY way, like it or not.
    You will find that many people do not agree with Atkins or any other very low carb diet. Just shake it off. If low carb works for you, go for it. Just know that for the weight to STAY off, you have to commit to a permanent low carb lifestyle. Otherwise, the weight WILL come back.
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    I agree with the above but also want to say if you were doing low cal/low fat and went back to eating foods high in cal/fat you would gain the weight back.

    As for the kidneys & organ damage - that is a scare tactic. I happen to have kidney problems and eat this way. I make sure to drink an amount of water each day that is tied to my weight (so yours would be different) but suffice to say it is a lot. In addition I have lemon in one glass (usually the first in the morning) which aids in my kidney function. In healthy individuals with no risk factors or family history of kidney disease, low-carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins Diet are unlikely to cause kidney problems. However, the Atkins website advises people with pre-existing kidney disease not to use the Atkins Diet because of the risk of further damaging the kidneys. If this is of concern to you, a doctor can test your kidney function before you start the Atkins Diet. You may also want to have your doctor monitor kidney function on a regular basis while you are on the diet.

    I consume clean whole food and in return my body is efficient and strong and my mind has never been clearer :)
  • 12ccollins
    12ccollins Posts: 1
    :smile: hi
  • boadicea333
    boadicea333 Posts: 12
    I started the day before yesterday. I already feel great! My water retention has decreased and my energy levels are up. Make sure you get plenty of protien and good fat! And complex carbs! Dark leafy green veggies!

    Since I couldnt figure out a way for MFP to calculate net carbs, I set my goal at 25 carbs/day. So far I've lost 4 lbs in two days, but that has to be water. I've been pulling the water in and not releasing it without realizing it; I've gone and gone a ton the last couple of days to my husband's annoyance. It's like my kidney's have been on vacation and just finally got back.

    Don't let the anti-Atkins, high carb-low fat peeps get to you. Not sure why they get so defensive and lecture about it. Our bodies are all different and so we should do what we need to do to fit our metabolism and body type. Mine can't even process wheat, barley or rye, so that tells me something right there about the way my body works. We know from the human genome project that there are two distinct types of humans genes- a modern genotype and an ancient genotype. The farmers (modern) and the hunter/gatherers (ancient). So, one size doesn't fit all when it comes to food and nutrition.
    Good luck to you!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    it's gotten to a point where i just literally laugh out loud at some of the posts that pop up on low carb threads. It really is entertaining.

    Good Luck!! Stick to it, and it will all be worth it in the end! I eat Primal, but it is alot like atkins as far as the lower carb thing for weight loss. We were not desinged to eat high carb diets!!!! ofcourse you'll have to stick with it for the rest of your life! it's what makes people fat to begin with! (along with overeating) but that doesn't mean you can never have another piece of cake! just means that 80-90% of the time you should be eating a healthy diet. a bump in the road or a treat every now and then won't hurt. (once you've lost your weight, it will effect your ketosis and weight loss now) however, once you are off the starchy carbs and sugar when you do eat that piece of cake, it will more than likely be too sweet and will make you feel like crap. so i'm sure you'll eat much less of it.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    oh, and don't eat too much protein, the key is good healthy fats!! if you consume too much protein, the excess will just be converted to sugar, so what's the point? don't be afraid of fat. fat burns fat. I like to stick with the 1 gram of protein for every lb of lean body mass rule. it's worked great for me.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I started the day before yesterday. I already feel great! My water retention has decreased and my energy levels are up. Make sure you get plenty of protien and good fat! And complex carbs! Dark leafy green veggies!

    Since I couldnt figure out a way for MFP to calculate net carbs, I set my goal at 25 carbs/day. So far I've lost 4 lbs in two days, but that has to be water. I've been pulling the water in and not releasing it without realizing it; I've gone and gone a ton the last couple of days to my husband's annoyance. It's like my kidney's have been on vacation and just finally got back.

    Don't let the anti-Atkins, high carb-low fat peeps get to you. Not sure why they get so defensive and lecture about it. Our bodies are all different and so we should do what we need to do to fit our metabolism and body type. Mine can't even process wheat, barley or rye, so that tells me something right there about the way my body works. We know from the human genome project that there are two distinct types of humans genes- a modern genotype and an ancient genotype. The farmers (modern) and the hunter/gatherers (ancient). So, one size doesn't fit all when it comes to food and nutrition.
    Good luck to you!

    like, which is why i don't push the way i eat, b/c i know that it's not for some people. however, when people ask, i will share my advice and opinions :)
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Love low carb...gonna go get the test strips today, noticing my weightloss is a bit slow..... YAY so happy to see alot more Low Carbers out there.
  • Any diet in which I need a doctor to monitor my renal function probably isn't the best diet to be on...
    I agree with the above but also want to say if you were doing low cal/low fat and went back to eating foods high in cal/fat you would gain the weight back.

    As for the kidneys & organ damage - that is a scare tactic. I happen to have kidney problems and eat this way. I make sure to drink an amount of water each day that is tied to my weight (so yours would be different) but suffice to say it is a lot. In addition I have lemon in one glass (usually the first in the morning) which aids in my kidney function. In healthy individuals with no risk factors or family history of kidney disease, low-carbohydrate diets such as the Atkins Diet are unlikely to cause kidney problems. However, the Atkins website advises people with pre-existing kidney disease not to use the Atkins Diet because of the risk of further damaging the kidneys. If this is of concern to you, a doctor can test your kidney function before you start the Atkins Diet. You may also want to have your doctor monitor kidney function on a regular basis while you are on the diet.

    I consume clean whole food and in return my body is efficient and strong and my mind has never been clearer :)
  • boadicea333
    boadicea333 Posts: 12
    Thanks for the link to the primal blueprint. Checking it out! So far sounds like just what I need! :happy:

    it's gotten to a point where i just literally laugh out loud at some of the posts that pop up on low carb threads. It really is entertaining.

    Good Luck!! Stick to it, and it will all be worth it in the end! I eat Primal, but it is alot like atkins as far as the lower carb thing for weight loss. We were not desinged to eat high carb diets!!!! ofcourse you'll have to stick with it for the rest of your life! it's what makes people fat to begin with! (along with overeating) but that doesn't mean you can never have another piece of cake! just means that 80-90% of the time you should be eating a healthy diet. a bump in the road or a treat every now and then won't hurt. (once you've lost your weight, it will effect your ketosis and weight loss now) however, once you are off the starchy carbs and sugar when you do eat that piece of cake, it will more than likely be too sweet and will make you feel like crap. so i'm sure you'll eat much less of it.
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    @NoGoWorkout - Why do you think so? Lots of people have things monitored by their physicians for many reasons. Plus, that statement was in response to the people who keep making inflammatory statements about kidney function. If you have concerns about your kidneys your physician should be the person you consult about organ function, not someone online.

    edited to say @NowGoWorkout ... don't spend enough time here to know how to quote
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member

    How much have you researched this? Do you know low-carb is the best plan for you, or are you hoping for quick results to get into that red dress? For example, as Jade mentioned--carbs are essential to brain functions. Also, when I was researching the possibility of 'going low-carb', I learned how carbs are used by your body and the best time to eat them... now I try to stick to only eating carbs (not including those in fruit/veggies) in the 1-2 hours after a workout. Perhaps just changing how you are using carbs in your diet, and what kind (i.e. whole grain vs white, etc.) would give you the same result?

    If you have done the research and talked to your Dr and still decide to go the Atkins route, at least you can say YOU are making the most educated decision for your body... not letting that red dress talk you into it :wink:
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