Bad Day

Options is a pretty bad day for me emotionally. I'm not an emotional eater, I'm an emotional non-doer...i just want to curl up in the corner of my couch and start at the tv and try not to think, but I know that's not the best thing for me. Blarg and meh...


  • Nuka_Gina
    Nuka_Gina Posts: 92 Member
    I hope you get to feeling better. Try non-doing outside and get some fresh air, or if you can't do that then open a window. I've gone through some crap, believe me, but if you can just focus on something else for a little while like a little project then you might feel better enough to move on. :)
  • Nuka_Gina
    Nuka_Gina Posts: 92 Member
    PS - I'm an emotional baker, which was sooo not good for my waste-line. :P
  • thatguynick
    thatguynick Posts: 106 Member
    Thank you for the encouragement! Fortunately I'm horrible at cooking, so I'm safe from the baking...
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Besides feeling meh, then whats your point?
    Make sure you get enough nutrition and water for the day.
    Going for a walk might lift some stress as would talking to a friend or doing things that help you relax. Stuff happens, it passes. Hang on in there and even if you are unable to avoid using food to eat your feelings, just chill, log it and move on tomorow.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    What if you emotionally cleaned your house? Off the couch! Reward: clean house.