Does anyone uses a waist trainer?? Someone Plus size preferably



  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    No, I am my own waist trainer. There is no special belt, no magic pill, no special anything that is going to work, and if it does work 1. it's usually in your head and 2. the results will only be temporary. You have to put the work in to achieve the results.
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    Ronc28 wrote: »
    Almost all of the above comments are non-scientific, oppinion, or anecdotal. I "would" consider an elastic trainer because of the potential benefits in controlling hunger. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone that is secreted by the gastrointestinal track. This happens when the stomache and intestines are "not full". It appears that when your stomache empties, Ghrelin is secreted and goes to the hypothalamus where it binds and causes a signal to the brain that it is time to eat. If you apply external pressure so that the gastrointestinal tract is compressed, it could have the same effect as keeping your stomache full without keeping your stomache full. I suggest you investigate the major hormones that control hunger, satiety, and glucose homeostasis. In particular look up Ghrelin, Leptin, and Insulin using Wikipedia. Good luck!
    PS. After you remove a trainer, you should practice holding in the stomache using your stomache muscles ... And perform some ab exercises to strengthen those muscles.


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    And to @ronc28, OH MY MY MY!
  • bettybing1
    bettybing1 Posts: 162 Member
    edited April 2015
    I thought things like that were just for use for an evening, hidden under your clothes when you want to have a nice outline? Like support underwear or something? Either way it doesn't look appealing - spend your money on something more active and fun.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    Ronc28 wrote: »
    Almost all of the above comments are non-scientific, oppinion, or anecdotal. I "would" consider an elastic trainer because of the potential benefits in controlling hunger. Ghrelin is the hunger hormone that is secreted by the gastrointestinal track. This happens when the stomache and intestines are "not full". It appears that when your stomache empties, Ghrelin is secreted and goes to the hypothalamus where it binds and causes a signal to the brain that it is time to eat. If you apply external pressure so that the gastrointestinal tract is compressed, it could have the same effect as keeping your stomache full without keeping your stomache full. I suggest you investigate the major hormones that control hunger, satiety, and glucose homeostasis. In particular look up Ghrelin, Leptin, and Insulin using Wikipedia. Good luck!
    PS. After you remove a trainer, you should practice holding in the stomache using your stomache muscles ... And perform some ab exercises to strengthen those muscles.

    Lulz. Begins post by saying all the comments are non-scientific, opinion or anecdotal then writes post using no scientific references and at the end advises the OP to use Wikipedia.

    Of course this is the post the OP loves....

    MFP, never change.

    So much this.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Brunavilla wrote: »
    Hi dear r_wilson9,

    I see people discouraged you, but probably no one tried before criticizing…
    I’ll tell you about my experience with corsets so that you can decide by yourself. I started training my waist 5 years ago when I was 22 years old, 54 kilos and 67 centimeters of waist (I’m 1,70m). I never thought it would help me to lose weight, that wasn’t my intention. I wanted to have a small waist. In two years, my weight was the same, but my waist was 58cm. So, you can see it worked a lot for me. Today I am 60 kilos and my waist is 65cm (less than when I wasn’t training my waist and were much thinner). But it’s up to you, I searched A LOT before deciding to use a corset, you MUST exercise or you are going to lose your muscle tone and should ask a doctor opinion just to be sure you can use it without problems. More, you have to wear it AT LEAST 8 hours per day or it won’t deform your ribs and must look for a corsetmaker, so that she makes a corset for YOU, with your measures. By the way, Ronc28 is right, I don’t use to be hungry when I’m wearing my corset and you are going to feel full with less food. I’m sorry if my English is not OK, but think you could understand…

    Strong first post. :noway:
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    You know what? A waist trainer, to me, is like filling a Ziploc bag with water, sealing it, then popping am elastic band around the middle and freezing it. When you pull it out of the freezer, is it that shape? Yes! of course!

    Now leave it on the counter for a couple hours. Now is it just a Ziploc bag full of water? yes... yes it is.

    You don't get to 'train' the contents of your meatbag. You want your meatbag to be smaller, reduce the contents.

    Loving this analogy :D
  • HotKanye
    HotKanye Posts: 103 Member
    My foster daughter is hooked on the weight trainer corset and I find it so upsetting! From the research I've done a lot of what is said about health concerns is not proven so I don't think it's going to likely do long term damage to your body. HOWEVER it is going to cause you pain/discomfort while using it. It's going to limit the extent to which you can do exercises with proper form. And most of all it's a reinforcement of an outdated and absurd standard of what a woman should look like. I'm not a violent person but I kind of want to slap Kim Kardashian for making this a thing! We do not all need to have giant boobs, a tiny waist and a nice round butt. That's not reality for almost anyone and to expect that of yourself means you need to detox from magazines, tv etc and surround yourself with people who encourage you to love your body the way it is. If you want to improve your health move your body more and make good food choices most of the time. You are beautiful just the way you are so don't give your money to anyone who tells you you need to buy their product to be good enough. You already are. <3
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Ronc28 wrote: »
    Almost all of the above comments are non-scientific, oppinion, or anecdotal.

    Scientifically, waist trainers have no impact on weight loss

    Opinion, they are a waste of money if one is trying to "shape" their body

    Anecdotally, I've been doing this for over 30 years and can emphatically say that a lot of people who think they know what they are talking about when it comes to fitness and nutrition, don't really know what they are talking about.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    HotKanye wrote: »
    My foster daughter is hooked on the weight trainer corset and I find it so upsetting! From the research I've done a lot of what is said about health concerns is not proven so I don't think it's going to likely do long term damage to your body. HOWEVER it is going to cause you pain/discomfort while using it. It's going to limit the extent to which you can do exercises with proper form. And most of all it's a reinforcement of an outdated and absurd standard of what a woman should look like. I'm not a violent person but I kind of want to slap Kim Kardashian for making this a thing! We do not all need to have giant boobs, a tiny waist and a nice round butt. That's not reality for almost anyone and to expect that of yourself means you need to detox from magazines, tv etc and surround yourself with people who encourage you to love your body the way it is. If you want to improve your health move your body more and make good food choices most of the time. You are beautiful just the way you are so don't give your money to anyone who tells you you need to buy their product to be good enough. You already are. <3

    *Begins the slow clap for this whole post*

    Honestly, the whole corset thing is ridiculous- just like grapefruit diets and cabbage soup diets and master cleanses. Nothing about it seems legit, and it's just giving false hope to desperate people in search of a fast solution. Healthy weight loss is not fast, it's not always convenient, and at the end of the day we all have to accept what our bodies look like. Slow is better, consistent is better, lifelong changes are better. They're hard, but they're also the only things that actually do you any good.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Ronc28 wrote: »
    Sugar and all it's forms are your enemy.
    Actually it's the fear of it that's your enemy.
    Check out Dr Mercola!
    Makes sense now why you're posting what you're posting.
    Fat doesn't make you fat. Sugar and excess calories make you fat!
    Actually over consumption is what makes everyone fat. If we're talking anecdotes, there are lots and lots of lean and fit people who eat carbs in moderation on a regular basis with no issues of weight. Good you like what you do for you, but advocating for a system that's not going to be a LIFESTYLE for some for the rest of their life isn't the only way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Ronc28 wrote: »
    I would like to clarify my previous post. I am a believer in caloric restriction and exercise as the way to improve your health and lose weight. Sugar and all it's forms are your enemy. Eating a low carbohydrate diet with lots of good fat is the way to improve insulin resistance. Do your own research. There are plenty of people who think eating low fat is the way to be healthy. But, there is significant new research that says eating a high fat diet is best. Check out Dr Mercola! I have noticed a lot of testimonials from vegans, vegetarians, Paleos, and Adkins diet proponents who provide annecdotal proof of their success. But then you find out they are competing in triathlons, running marathons or biking 150 miles per week. Well, probably all of us would lose weight on such a high level of physical exercise. I am 70 years old ... I walk about 5 miles every day and have lost about 30 lbs over the last year. I try to eat less than 100 grams of carbohydrates each day and I stay away from all simple sugars, trans fats, and try to eat fresh vegetables. I am not afraid of fats. And my cholesterol is excellent even though I eat eggs and bacon almost every morning. Fat doesn't make you fat. Sugar and excess calories make you fat. Good luck!

    Whines about non-scientific answers and anecdotes...then recommends Mercola and gives an anecdote?

    :checks calendar: Yeah - I sure hope this is an April Fool's joke. Sadly, I'm thinking not.
  • Taniab43
    Taniab43 Posts: 42 Member
    r_wilson9 wrote: »
    hey you guys I'm really thinking about getting a waist trainer!!! I've been reading the pros and cons but as anyone I'm more so on the pro side lol

    I think there is so e benefit to using a waist trainer. 1) if you have had a baby, it can help to bring your muscle back together, however you will have to do a series of excersies to help also. 2) if you are overweight and need to bring your stomach muscles back together. But that is it.
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    edited April 2015
    Obviously there are posters responding that are unclear on what a waist trainer does. It is not spandex but is related to a corset.

    A waist trainer squeezes so tight that it actually displaces the internal organs and can cause health problems. One complication is that by pushing the organs in and up against the diaphragm it causes breathing issues. It can also do permanent damage by tearing tissue and permanently dislodging organs.
    r_wilson9 wrote: »
    hey you guys I'm really thinking about getting a waist trainer!!! I've been reading the pros and cons but as anyone I'm more so on the pro side lol

    No, you have read marketing claims and cons, there are no pros.
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    I wouldn't do it. Hard work is where it's at!
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    r_wilson9 wrote: »
    hey you guys I'm really thinking about getting a waist trainer!!! I've been reading the pros and cons but as anyone I'm more so on the pro side lol

    You're going to have a sweaty middle and temporary results. Just figure out your deficit, eat at that, and be patient. My waist is so much trimmer than it was 48 pounds ago.

    SOOO TRUE!! No sort cuts friend.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    HotKanye wrote: »
    My foster daughter is hooked on the weight trainer corset and I find it so upsetting! From the research I've done a lot of what is said about health concerns is not proven so I don't think it's going to likely do long term damage to your body. HOWEVER it is going to cause you pain/discomfort while using it. It's going to limit the extent to which you can do exercises with proper form. And most of all it's a reinforcement of an outdated and absurd standard of what a woman should look like. I'm not a violent person but I kind of want to slap Kim Kardashian for making this a thing! We do not all need to have giant boobs, a tiny waist and a nice round butt. That's not reality for almost anyone and to expect that of yourself means you need to detox from magazines, tv etc and surround yourself with people who encourage you to love your body the way it is. If you want to improve your health move your body more and make good food choices most of the time. You are beautiful just the way you are so don't give your money to anyone who tells you you need to buy their product to be good enough. You already are. <3

    Ugh gawd you should steal that thing and burn it. It's such a self-destructive fad - "I hate my body so much that I shall attempt to break it so it looks nicer". Yuck, I'm sorry you/she are going through that.